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英语口语学习励志故事:《从猪棚英语到浙大外教英语课》From Pigsty English to Foreign Teacher\\\\\\\\'s Class

日期:2014/10/7 9:54:50 人气:2598








1. From “Pigsty English” to


“Foreign Teacher’s Class”  at ZU





(节选自John Y 长篇英语学习回忆录《英语口语---一个只面对执着的回音  ENGLISH SPEAKING-AN ECHO ONLY FROM COMMITMENT》)



At about the end of 1968 I graduated from Fudan University Affiliated High School and as a "Zhiqing"(educated youth) settled at Luodian People’s Commune in Baoshan County, a far northern area of Shanghai. After two years “Fighting against the Sky and Struggling with the Earth”, I was "selected" as a swineherd by villagers to raise all sows and pigs which were possessed by the collective.

In those years, such sayings as "Going to school is useless" or "Learning English is worth nothing" were widely believed in the society. English, as “Garbage of Feudalism, Capitalism and Revisionism" had been swept into trash heap. English study had been abolished from all primary and secondary education in the whole country. But to my mind, it should never been given up. From the "old paper heap" at home I had dug out some English books and took them to the countryside. Whenever there was spare time after feeding the pigs, I’d like to sit by the pig shed and read English books while the squawking of the animals could be heard up and down and all around. But I didn't realize that this would have brought me big trouble later on.

One day, the cadres from Production Brigade headed by the Party Branch Secretary came to my village for a “site production examination”. When passing by my pig shed, the party head had happened to see I was stooped over reading something, so he came up and asked: "What are you doing?" Since I had nowhere to cover it up, I showed my English book to him and said: "I am reviewing English."

He suddenly snatched the book from me and with his face frowning, said: "What? English? How could you dare to exercise such Feng-Zi-Xiu while receiving re-education in countryside?" Saying this, he angrily threw the book to the ground and went away. I knew something was going to happen.

Sure enough, after a few days at the “all brigade members’ meeting”, the party leader launched harsh comments directed at me. "Now, in our brigade, some individual intellectual youth failed to take the re-education, missing the Feng-Zi-Xiu, still read English books while raising the pigs. How come! This is serious and can’t be tolerated. The village leaders must take action to fix it …”


Despite this, I was not scared and kept studying on my “foreign garbage” only now under the table. My fellow villagers also felt sympathy for me and ignored the party head’s threatening. Three years later they further elected me as the Political Chief of the village production team so that a student "swineherd" turned out to be a "village official". Two years later, my performance was finally recognized by the brigade and I was relocated to the Shanghai Normal University (now as the East China Normal University) for teacher’s training. This had laid a foundation for my entry to the university two years later.

In 1977, I took the first National College Entrance Examination after the Cultural Revolution and was admitted to Zhejiang University (ZU) in mechanics major. My English course was exempted because I chose the optional English test in the exam and had scored over 80 points, which was far enough past the exemption line of 60 for English by ZU. Among these 80 freshmen in my department only two were entitled with such honor, and I was one of them. This was in response to what was called “God will never forget those who work with great endeavor”. My "never abandon, never give up" policy in English finally paid off.

In retrospect, I was sticking with my special interest and staying true to my ambitions in English study during my middle school years. This was largely thanks to two middle schools I attended that had high quality English education and outstanding English teachers. I went to Shanghai Tongji Middle School for junior study and Fudan University Affiliated High School for senior study. The teachers who taught me English were Mr. Chen Zongyang and Mr. Zou Jiayuan. They respectively graduated from two top universities with top English specialty in China: English Department of Shanghai Institute of Foreign Languages (now as Shanghai Foreign Language University) and Foreign Language Department of Fudan University. These two schools and two teachers left me with a strong English background that has benefitted me in decades of study, life and work, including overseas study ever since.

After entering ZU, I felt bad with that it had no English class for me at all. Fortunately, in the third year the university opened a special English class for students with exception status – the “foreign teacher’s English class”. The teacher was a white young man invited from the US. Today the foreign teacher’s English class is nothing new for even middle school students, but in more than 30 years ago when China had just opened its doors to the world, a white guy with blue eyes and brown hairs sitting in the classroom, talking with a group of Chinese students, was truly a miracle. Especially since China had just established diplomatic relations with the US not too long ago.

Because the regular courses for us were tight, our foreign teacher’s English class was scheduled quite infrequently, only once a week. But we all attended it with great enthusiasm. Maybe this was because of the way this American guy had been teaching, which was much different from that of our traditional English class mainly focused on grammar and reading. Most of the time, this guy was just having free talks with students. Although there was a textbook, he never followed it. Sometimes he had referred to it, but it was only a simple glance and he would quickly shift back to his boundless but colorful talks again. Sometimes he even took us to school campus or by the West Lake for a so-called "site class".

During that class students were all quite active, competing with each other for more chatting minutes from the teacher. But this young "Laomei"(American guy) liked to chat with girls, the pretty girls foremost and we boys got little chance. Fortunately, he often went to a snack shop near the school at lunch for noodles, and I had the same hobby, so I always had the opportunity to meet him there and chatted with him in English while enjoying noodles. It was from this young American guy that I initiated my learning and practicing spoken English with particular interest.

When recalling my foreign teacher’s class at ZU, I would admit that it was really a start of enlightenment for my spoken English study. I also learnt for the first time, that the study of English could be away from the textbook or out of the classroom, and that might be a more effective way to accomplish it. To these days, when living and working in China, I’ve kept this hobby often taking my foreign friends, no matter if they’re white or black, young or old, American or others, to nearby restaurants, tea houses or other casual places. We are out there not only for foods, drinks or fun, but also for cross-culture communication and exchange.
















下一个:英语习作选:《珍惜我们已有的》Treasure what we already have