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英语习作选:《珍惜我们已有的》Treasure what we already have

日期:2014/10/11 8:47:04 人气:2614



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编






教师评分:A+ 优异

Student name: Jasmine Hu

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Expeditor Specialist

Time of writing: July, 2014

Teacher’s rating: A+, Outstanding



Treasure What We Already Have

By Jasmine Hu

July 4, 2014



I often think that I am a lucky girl. There are six people in my family, including my parents, elder brother, elder sister, younger brother and me. It was very hard for my parents to raise four children in the past. However, they never gave up, especially my mother.


They tried their best to let us receive higher education. Actually only a few parents in my village could make it. Since most families could only support no more than two children to go to school, if with more than two, these parents usually let one of them drop off from the school,  leaving opportunities of higher education to the other children who were showing good learning skills, or just to the boys even poor at study. This was because most parents in my hometown, like in other countryside of China, had the traditional male-priority view at that time. Therefore, I always appreciate my parents for what they have done for me, and that I am lucky enough to be born in the world.


I have many good friends and teachers from my primary school time to today, and now we still keep in close touch. They always convey kindness, encouragement, love & smile to me through little things. These things make me feel optimistic, positive and energetic, and like to smile. We often share happiness and sadness with each other, and also talk about future development of our life and career. I believe that people I’ve met or will meet are in my destiny, and things I’ve encountered or will encounter are of my destiny too.


Therefore I cherish what I have at this moment, and always have a feeling of satisfaction. In other words, I believe in a Chinese old saying: ‘People satisfied with what they already have will always feel happy’.


Life is short and beautiful. Family ties, friendship, love, smile and so on, are our treasures in the world. I would like to show my gratefulness to these treasures and to everyone here today.



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