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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《iPhone6不在中国市场首售的原因》The reason for iPhone6 not released in China firstly

日期:2014/9/24 10:11:44 人气:2117



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: The reason for iPhone6 not released in China firstly


Student name: Jasper Jiang

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Sales Specialist

Time of writing: Sep, 2014

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



The Reason for iPhone 6 not Released in China Firstly

By Jasper Jiang

Sept 23, 2014


On September 10th, 1 a.m. at Beijing time, we were ushered into a long-awaited big conference for iPhone6, iPhone6 plus and Apple Watch. We were shocked by the new features of apple products and also disappointed with that the iPhone6, iPhone6 plus and the Apple Watch won’t be released on mainland China this time. What is the reason for this?

In my view, first of all, the expectations by people in China for apple 6 are too high. China is a big selling market for apple phone products, not only because of the huge population but also the vanity of Chinese people.


In China many people think apple is a symbol of local tyrants, it becomes synonymous with wealth and power. Every time apple issued new phone, some netizens will say: "Waiting for me, I will sell my kidney", “Why do we have only two kidneys?” This year there is no exception, we believe that we can find bloody "kidney" from the circle of friends in weibo or wechat. How thriller it is!

There is an old saying in China: "Playing hard to get.” The harder to buy in market, the more I want to buy. This is our Chinese people's philosophy. From weibo, Qzone, we can also find netizens hair message indicating" from iPhone6 client ", or the apple Inc is in the appetite of Chinese apple fans, when you can't wait then they will sell to mainland. Mainland China is one of the largest iPhone sales markets in the world, so apple could not look at the big cake and not try to eat it.

Some netizens say the truth of Apple 6 is that it has a bran-new net-pay function. You don't need to enter the password as long as you brush mobile phone when buying things. But this function would be boycotted by Chinese male buyers, as we all know that in online shopping spree so many men have maxed out their pay-card by women. Since this saying is not untruthful, the apple 6 will not be sold on mainland temporarily.

No matter what the reasons are, we mainland Apple fans should keep calm. The iphone6, iphone6 plus, Apple Watch will sooner or later come to our pockets.

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