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日期:2015/8/8 9:29:43 人气:3493



-----A Special Edition By Trainees from Valvitalia Co.





—— 特别版:意阀(苏州)阀门有限公司学员




主编:John Y

2015年2月 苏州


iCanSay International Engish Training Center







目    录


1. TREASURE WHAT WE HAVE                          珍惜我们已有的------2

2. PEOPLE NEED TO HAVE MORE TRUST              人们需要更多的信任---6

3. MY EXPERIENCE OF LEARNING ENGLISH              我学英语的经验-----4

4. EVERY JOB PRODUCES TOP SUCCESSOR                   行行出状元-----5

5. MY JOB                                                   我的工作-----6

6. BANLANCE BETWEEN LIFE AND WORK                生活与工作平衡-----8

7. WHAT IS HAPPINESS                                     什么是幸福-----9

8. SELF-INTRODUCTION                                     自我介绍-----10

9. SAFETY ACCIDENT                                        安全事故-----11

10. MY JOB                                                  我的工作----13

11. CHILDREN’S EDUCATION                                 儿童教育----14

12. MY SELF-INTRODUCTION                                 自我介绍----14

13. LEARN TO MAKE POLITE REQUEST                        学习礼貌----15

14. SELF-INTRODUCTION                                     自我介绍----16

15. THE WORLD CUP                                           世界杯----17







Treasure What We Have

By Jasmine Hu

July 4, 2014


Good morning everyone! It’s my great honor to introduce myself here. I gave myself name Jasmine, because I like the flowers of Jasmine very much, and like the folk song ‘What a Beautiful Jasmine’ sung by singer Song Zuying. I come from Lian Yungang, and graduated from Nanjing Audit University. Now I work as an expediter at our company.


Today my topic is ‘Treasure What I Have’.


I often think I am a lucky girl. There are six people in my family, including my parents, elder brother, elder sister, me and younger brother. It was very hard for my parents to raise four children in the past. However, they never gave up, especially my mother. They tried their best to let us receive higher education. Actually only a few parents in my village can make it. So I always appreciate them for what they have done for us.


I have many close friends and good teachers from primary school time to today, and now we still keep in close touch. I can see. They transmit kindness, encouragement, love & smile to me through some little things. These things make me feel optimistic, positive and energetic, and like to smile. We often share happiness and sadness with each other, and also talk about future development of our life and career. I believe that people I’ve met or will meet are in my destiny. Therefore I cherish what I have at the moment.


Life is short and beautiful. Family affection, friendship, love, smile and so on, are our treasures in the world. I would like to show my gratefulness to these treasures and to everyone here today.


That’s all. Thank you!




People Need to Have More Trust towards Each Other

By Lisa Xia

Jun 18, 2014


Dear John, dear all my co-worker classmates:


It is my honor to introduce myself here. My name is Lisa, a Suzhou native. I live in Suzhou New District. I have been working at VALVITALIA for four years, and my position is tax accountant. But today I am not going to talk about my job


Today I have some personal view on Trust that I want to share with you:


Nowadays do you notice that people live in a same building but don’t know others nor say a word like “hello” to each other? I don’t understand why it is like this.


In memorize of my previous time, I used to live in another city. At that time my daughter always played games with her little friends from neighborhood. After finished playing she always had lunch or dinner at neighbors’ home, or some times vise versa. And we young people would enjoy a cup of tea while chatting with each other. In case it might rain and you were going out, you might live key to your neighbors and they would help put away your clothes outside when it was suddenly raining. These situations were very common during that time, because there were trust between people.


Time flies, and people are still the same, but trust no longer exists. The relationship between people has changed. I think it is not a good thing, and we should change it back by ourselves through little things, such as saying “hi” to your neighbors in the morning or smile to people in public places a little more, and show more trust to others. This way you will find our society more harmonious.





My Experience of Learning English

By Tina Zhang

Aug 1, 2014


Good morning everyone! Today I’d like to share my personal English-learning experience with you.


Since I am a new staff at Valvitalia, I’m going to introduce myself first. My name is Zhang Lu. I am an extroverted person. I like to make friends, because friendship can help us realize who we are, why we need each other and what we can do for each other, and we can share our happiness as well as sadness with our friends.


My hometown is Hongze in Huaian city, Jiangsu Province. I have a two-year lovely son and he makes my life happier and more colorful.


Now let me get to today’s topic.


As we all know English learning includes four parts, listening, speaking, reading and writing.


The first part is listening. For the beginner, it is unnecessary to listen to every single word clearly. You just need to catch some key words such as time, place, and characters. Gradually you will find you can catch more words and even sentences, and finally catch the whole meaning.


The second part is speaking. In a word, try to express what you want to say, not afraid of making mistakes. That means despite your pronunciation or intonation, Just feel free to speak anything in English.


The third part is reading. We often say that practice makes perfect, reading practice is also like this way. You may choose words, a sentences or short articles to practice reading every day. It is the first step, and probably the most important step in learning English.

The last part is writing. Try to remember some immovable sentence pattern, for example “on one side….on the other side”; “in a word”; “generally speaking” and so on, besides  you should pay attention to the tense. By this way you will find writing become much easier.


That’s all for my speech, thanks.





Every Job Produces Top Successor

By Sena Zhang, Revised by Daisy Guo

Aug 15, 2014



In the last 10 years, a great number of young people have entered or finished college studies, so there will be more and more college graduates getting into our society and looking for jobs every year, now and in the recent future.


In the mind of most college graduates, they think they should have worked on management or senior white color positions after graduation. But the real situation is mostly not like that.


Because of the difference in personal chances and abilities, some graduates can get good job in the very beginning, but for most of them, they usually don’t feel satisfied with their first job. For that ones who have got good chance to enjoy good positions right after graduation, but don’t well catch or use them, the results might be even worse.


Some graduates think that certain positions don’t have good career future, they are probably wrong. Every position has its glistening point, just like an old Chinese saying: “Every job produces top successor”(行行出状元). I think the key is how to recognize and to develop it. And they need to recognize themselves too. But many people don’t think this way.


For example: the documentary staff’s position. Some employees think it is a position without development space. Actually if a staff often summarizes his/her job responsibilities and requirements, his/her writing ability will be improved greatly. It is similar that some people can only see the surface of one issue, but other people can see related areas or potentials of this issue.


Within three to five years after graduation, it is usually the time period for employees to accumulate their working experience and to promote their working capabilities. We need to be patient to deal with this process with related issues, such as wages, working conditions, interpersonal relations, etc. 


Every enterprise will have this or that kind of problems for employees. If we can solve it, that’s the best. If not, we must accept it and adapt into it. If we want to change our job, we must consider what we like to do and recognize what we are able to do within our ability.


Furthermore, we can’t expect to change our jobs frequently. If that, we are thought to be unable to work under pressure and to adapt to the environment, and that will be a serious problem for career development. Pay more than others then you can get more than others.

This is what I’m suggesting.






My Job

By Heidy Cao

Jun 24 ,2014


My dear colleagues:


Good morning. It is my pleasure to introduce myself today. I am Heidy, from Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, and working at sales department of Valvitalia. I have been working at this company for nearly four months.

Today my topic is My Job.

As a sales engineer, my daily job is to prepare the quotations for customers’ enquiries. Since I am a newcomer in my office, until now I haven’t been contacting with the customers or agents directly. All the enquiries I dealt with were sent by the area managers of our sales office.

Usually after receiving an enquiry, I will start to prepare the working-sheet for it, in which the basic enquiry information is listed, for example, the valve type, the quantity, the size, and other technical requirements of the valves. When I prepare the working-sheet, I should confirm the special technical requirements with our technical engineers.

After finishing the working-sheet, I will calculate the prices. In general, for conventional products, I get the base costs from the “PRICING LIST”, and for the valves of special type or material, I get the base costs from the purchasing engineers or our suppliers.

After all the base cost being listed in the working-sheet, I start to evaluate the price. When I evaluate the price, I should consider the mark-up and the special cost, for example, the price of painting, the price of NDT and so on.

After finishing the PRICING OFFER, I will prepare the TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL OFFER for the enquiry. The technical part includes the general introduction of the valves, the technical deviation and other technical clauses. The commercial part includes the delivery time, delivery terms, payment and other commercial clauses.

After finishing the PRICING OFFER and TECHICAL AND COMMERCIAL OFFER, I should send them to department manager for approval, and also send them to customers after approved.

Above is the working process for the simple enquiry. For the complex enquiry, both the technical and commercial bid documents should be submitted. In the commercial bid document, the certificate of the company should be attached, the commercial clause should be listed clearly, and the prices of different items should be listed clearly too, for example the price for the spare parts, the price for the site services and training and so on. In the technical bid document, the certificate, the datasheets and the drawing of the valves should be always attached.

That’s all. Thank you everyone.





Balance between Life and Work

By Beman

May 24, 2014


Ladies and gentlemen:


Good morning!  It is my honor to speak here. Please forgive me if I’ve made any mistakes.


Today I would like to share one of my points with you. My topic is “a balance between life and work”.


As we all know, life is more demanding than it has ever been. There are greater pressure at work and more expenses at home for us now. In general there are more things to be done in one day than used to be in two. This has caused much stress in our life, and that stress can affect our health .Therefore we must take actions to reduce stress as mush as possible.


Sometimes a little bit organization in life and work can help us accomplish important things more efficiently while putting some other things aside. It seems that how to achieve a balance between life and work is a lesson we should learn.


That is my conclusion of my point. Thank you all.






What is Happiness

By Vera

Aug 15, 2014


What is happiness? There are no certain definitions or answers. Happiness may be a state of mind or feeling characterized by love, wellbeing, satisfaction, pleasure, and so on.

To some sense, happiness can be really simple. We may feel happy by winning a match, getting higher grade in exam, or just staying with our loved ones like children, etc. However, as far as people’s whole life is concerned, the interpretation of happiness becomes much more complicated.


We are involved in various kinds of situations in our life, and some of them may not be constructive to happiness. In fact we may choose to or not to think about the unhappy things. All of us should go through different situations or experiences, positive or negative, but the best way is to choose not let the negative situations or experiences influence our behaviors and feelings.


Nowadays our modern economy develops rapidly. As a result of our everyday changing life, some people don't feel happy when gaining more wealth which seems always no ends towards their objectives. For example, many people want to owe more money, but they still feel unhappy once they have got it. Maybe they don’t know how to enjoy what they have obtained.


However, it is truly impossible for us to stay happy in all life courses because there are always things that make us feel unhappy. For example, sickness, disasters, hardships, poverty, etc. We should think of solutions rather than give up or make problems when facing unhappy things. We should keep optimistic. Optimism can make us healthier, more capable and always feel happy towards life.


One way to stay in happiness is trying to enjoy what we already have, or like a Chinese saying: “Person satisfied with what he has already have will be always feeling happy”(知足者常乐). It's easy for us to overlook the pleasure what we have got from love and being loved, the company of family and friends, freedom to live, and even good health.

All in all, happiness is the goal of our life. We can get more and more happiness easily if we are always sharing wellbeing with people, helping others, being satisfied with what we have. In my opinion, happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. Just enjoy our life, happiness is everywhere.






Self Introduction

By Belle Feng

June 10, 2014



Good morning everyone. It’s really my honor to introduce myself today.

My name is Belle, born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province. Now I have been living in Suzhou for more than five years. I like this city very much.


Working at Valvitalia is my Second job. I came to this company two months ago. I am a specialist in Technical Department. Now I am responsible for Spare parts and QTR orders.


Spare parts are easily broken. If our customers make requests for spare parts, I will give recommendations as well as prices to them. I’ll make codes and the BOM of these spare parts when they place purchase orders with our company.


QTR is one of our customers. They often buy some standard ball valves from our company. I make codes and BOM of these valves according to their orders. Now I am learning how to design the ball valves. I hope to become an engineer.


Thank you everyone. I want to be a good friend of you.





Safety Accident

By William Kong

Aug 24, 2014


Last Sunday, the 2nd day of Aug, was the Chinese Valentine's Day. However, after listening to the morning news, I was shocked by a tragedy event happened in Kunshan City. It was a dust-explosion accident in the workshop of a Taiwanese company doing the aluminum polishing. 75 workers died, over 180 workers were injured, and more than 200 families were broken up by the accident. It was the biggest human disaster during these days of the year.


According to the further survey, it is clear that this was a safety accident caused by ignoring of production safety management. I also recalled the petroleum line explosion in Qingdao last November, which had taken 62 lives.


As we know now China is the 2nd largest economy in the world. However, our safety control in many areas is getting worse. Some factories haven’t built up safety production management system. The Kunshan accident has once again given us a bloody lesson.


I have seen a slogan saying: “Safety is the largest wealth and accident is the largest waste in the world”. And some safety accidents could be avoided if we did well in safety control. These are not natural disasters, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood and so on, but the kind of disasters that we can control and avoid.


Nearly all the un-safety accidents were caused by negligence. We must pay more attention to its details.


Firstly, each production step should follow all rules and regulations strictly, this is the primary requirement. If we can keep everything under control, the safety accident happening probability can be limited to none or minimum.


What’s more, we need to raise our safety consciousness, pay more attention to potential safety hazards and risks such as when turning off lights, air conditioning, fans and equipments when leaving office or working places.


Lastly but not the least, we should conduct more safety education and training, teaching workers basic escape skills from accidents, and build up the a better working environment, help with each other in our daily life.


Finally, we should take our goodwill on safety issues into actions with every small step. This should not be just stopped in our mouths, and it is the only way to eliminate most, if not all, major safety accidents.




My Job

By Fish

Jun 19, 2014


Good morning everyone. Today the topic of my presentation is “My Job”.

It is my first time to stand here to give a presentation. I am very happy. Firstly, please allow me to introduce myself shortly. My name is Fish. I come from Machen, which is a sub-city of Huanggang in Hubei Province.

Now I am working in Production Department of VALVITALIA Suzhou Company. I am a tester for cryogenic valve.

Most people are not familiar with cryogenic valve test. Actually I didn’t know it either when I first touch it, because I used to work in assembly and repairing. Through supervisor’s demo and instruction I started to learn it.

Cryogenic valve test requires two types of different media, which are helium and liquid nitrogen. It’s quite dangerous in the process of operation. In order to ensure personal safety, I have to work carefully.

Sometimes I would complain why there is so much work to do. I have to finish one job after another busily. Of course there are lots of happy things during my work, for example, I can talk about some funny stories with my Chinese and foreign colleagues. I really enjoy my work now, because I know it is a technology. So I will try my best to do a better job and to build up my career future.






Children’s Education

By Susan

July 15, 2014


Good morning, everyone! It is my great honor to stand here and to give you a short speech. I’m Susan, Wujiang native. I graduated from university in 2007, since then I have been working at Valvitalia, and I’m in Warehouse department as a statistics specialist. Today I would like to share one of my points with you. My topic is Children’s Education.


I have a daughter and she is four years old. She is very cute and lively, I love her very much. She will go to nursery school to start with her school life. As we all know, nowadays children have great pressure for their learning. Many children have to go to multi-training programs such as drawing, dancing, piano-playing and so on. But I think the most important thing is what the children want to do. We should choose one or two curriculums according to their hobbies. Don’t give them burden, because their childhood should be happier, but not just all learning.


On the other hand, I think parents are children’s best teachers. Nowadays many parents have no time to care for their children because of busy work. Some parents have fun themselves on weekends and they even don’t take care of their children. Don’t let your children become “orphan with parents”, and don’t always satisfy your children with only materials. Children need parents’ company and care with love most.


That’s all. Thank you.



My Self-introduction

By Dennis Zhu

June 12, 2014


Good morning! It is my honor to introduce myself today. My name is Dennis, I have been working at Valvitalia(Suzhou) for about one year and half, and I am an engineer in technology department. My main job is to design ball valves & plug valves and to do some related technical support work. Before this, I worked at another valve manufacturer.


I come from Chizhou City, Anhui province. Maybe you've never heard about this place, it’s a small city by the south bank of Yangtze River, and is to the north of Yellow Mountain. It is about 350km from Suzhou. Chizhou is a tourist city, and its natural environment is very good. The most famous point of tourist attractions in the city is Jiuhuashan Mountain, which has one of the four major Buddhist shrines in Chna. If possible, you can take a trip to Chizhou and you are welcome!


I am very interested in natural and scientific knowledge, and I often watch the National Geography channel. I like both the Natural Discovery and the Scientific Discovery.  The scientific master I admire most is Albert Einstein. In the future time if there is any chance, I would like to travel to some ancient geological parks.







Learn to Make Polite Requests

By Andy Wan

Jun 7 , 2014


My dear co-workers, ladies and gentlemen:


Good morning!  My name is Andy, working in Shipping Department .It is really my great honor to stand here and give you a short speech. Today my topic is “Learn to Make a Polite Request”.


As we all know, asking for information or help is a very common and necessary practice, especially when we visit a foreign country. So knowing how to ask for information politely is important. In English, saying “Hi, where is the nearby restroom?” and “Excuse me, could you please tell me where the nearby restroom is?” are similar questions; both are correct expressions, but the second one sounds more polite. It’s important to use correct language, but sometimes just it is not enough. We need to learn how to be polite when we are making requests or asking for help.


In my opinion, people from different cultural background have different perspectives to do things politely. Some doing is considered polite in one country may be impolite in another country, because customs and norms are varied all over the world. It is very important to learn all these differences, and it is also interesting, I think.

That’s all. Thank you everyone.






Self- Introduction

By Amy Zhang

Jun 19, 2014


Good morning! It’s my honor to have this opportunity for your interview. I hope I may give you a good impression today.  And I ’m confident I can succeed.

Now let me introduce myself briefly.  My name is Amy, and I ‘m Wujiang native. I graduated from Jiangsu University. My major was statistics, and I got my B.S. Degree after graduation in the year of 2011. I have got basic knowledge in my major during college time.


In July 2011, I began to work at this company as a statistics specialist, and this is my first job. I know I need to adapt myself to work environment. I used to think about finding a job which I like best, but now I’ve changed my mind.


Before I didn’t know what I could do after work. But now I have my spare-time job—agent of net-selling Korean goods like skin care products, articles for daily use and so on. So if you like products made in Korea, please give me your order request with detailed item information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.

Thank you!





The World Cup

By Gary

Jun 26, 2014



I am Gary from Shipping Department. Today it is my honor to share my feeling about the world cup football sport.


As everyone knows, 2014 FIFA world cup is undergoing excitingly in Brazil now. This is a big carnival once in every four years, not only for millions of football fans but also for businesses all over the world.


During one month period of time, total thirty-two teams from countries of the world will take part in the matches, but only one can win the championship finally. But even teams lost the games they will also be respected if they have tried all their efforts.

Why can football become the most popular sport in the world? I think because it requires brain as well as brown.


On the one hand, to play football can develop teams’ spirit and sense of competition. If one player is not playing well, all other players of the team will come together to make up. On the other hand, all players must keep united and co-operative. Only in this way can they go further towards success.


Anyway, I really hope the team of Brazil can win the golden cup, because I am a big fan of it.


That’s all. Thank you.






The Reasons for iPhone 6 not Released in China Firstly

By Jasper

Sept 23, 2014


On September 10th, 1 a.m. at Beijing time, we were ushered into a long-awaited big conference for iPhone6, iPhone6 plus and Apple Watch. We were shocked by the new features of apple products and also disappointed with that the iPhone6, iPhone6 plus and the Apple Watch won’t be released on mainland China this time. What is the reason for this?

In my view, first of all, the expectations by people in China for apple 6 are too high. China is a big selling market for apple phone products, not only because of the huge population but also the vanity of Chinese people.


In China many people think apple is a symbol of local tyrants, it becomes synonymous with wealth and power. Every time apple issued new phone, some netizens will say: "Waiting for me, I will sell my kidney", “Why do we have only two kidneys?” This year there is no exception, we believe that we can find bloody "kidney" from the circle of friends in weibo or wechat. How thriller it is!

There is an old saying in China: "Playing hard to get.” The harder to buy in market, the more I want to buy. This is our Chinese people's philosophy. From weibo, Qzone, we can also find netizens hair message indicating" from iPhone6 client ", or the apple Inc is in the appetite of Chinese apple fans, when you can't wait then they will sell to mainland. Mainland China is one of the largest iPhone sales markets in the world, so apple could not look at the big cake and not try to eat it.

Some netizens say the truth of Apple 6 is that it has a bran-new net-pay function. You don't need to enter the password as long as you brush mobile phone when buying things. But this function would be boycotted by Chinese male buyers, as we all know that in online shopping spree so many men have maxed out their pay-card by women. Since this saying is not untruthful, the apple 6 will not be sold on mainland temporarily.

No matter what the reasons are, we mainland Apple fans should keep calm. The iphone6, iphone6 plus, Apple Watch will sooner or later come to our pockets.






Daily Processing of Sales

----A Dialogue between Staffs

By Tina Zhang & Heidy Cao

Sep 12, 2014



 (Heidy and Tina are talking about their work responsibilities in the office.)

H: Good morning, Tina

T: Good morning, Heidy.

H: Sorry Tina, I forgot which department you are in.

T: I am in Purchasing Department, and you?

H: I am a sales engineer in Sales Department.

T: Oh, what’s your work responsibility like everyday?

H: My daily responsibility is to prepare quotations for customers’ enquiry.

T: Do you need to contact with the customers directly?

H: No, since I am a newcomer in my office, all the enquiries by customers I deal with are actually from my area managers. What’s your routine work like, Tina?

T:  Buying all kinds of materials from our suppliers for the company, I am a purchase assistant.

H: That’s great, that way you have chance to communicate directly with suppliers.

T: Yes, I make lots of calls to different suppliers every day, because I need to find out goods with lower prices. What will you do after receiving an enquiry?

H: Usually I will start to prepare the working-sheet after receiving an enquiry, in which the basic enquiry information are listed.

T: Can you give example, what kind of information will be listed?

H: The valve type, the quantity, the size and so on.

T: Then, you need to calculate the prices, don’t you?

H: Yes, for conventional products, I get the base costs from the “PRICE LIST”. And for the valves with special types or materials, I will get the base costs from our purchase engineers or even from suppliers.

T: Then what should you do next?

H: I need to evaluate the prices. While I evaluate the prices I should consider the mark-up and the special costs, such as the prices of painting, NDT and so on.

T: I feel a little confused.

H: No harry. After preparing the PRICING OFFER, I will prepare the TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL OFFER for the enquiry.

T: Can you say it in details?

H: For the technical part, it includes the introduction of the valves and other technical clauses. For the commercial part, it includes the delivery time, delivery terms, payment and other commercial clauses.

T: What is the last step?

H: Finally, I need to send the above two offers to my department manager for approval, and then I send them to the customer. The above is the working process for the simple enquiry. For the complex enquiry, both the technical and commercial bid documents should be submitted.

T: Oh, so much work to do. You’re really keeping yourself busy.

H: That’s true, but you know, it’s good for me to practice my job responsibility.

T: Yes, I can’t agree with your more.

