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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《我的三亚之旅》My Trip to Sanya

日期:2015/8/2 7:09:52 人气:2926



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: My Trip to Sanya《我的三亚之旅》

Student name: Lucy Lu

Employer: 万旭电子元件(苏州)有限公司 (Taiwanese)

Time of writing: Jul 25, 2015

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent




                         My Trip to Sanya

                              By Lucy

                             Jul. 25, 2015



It was my first time to travel by air. My husband and I were very excited.


It took us three hours to get to Sanya from Wuxi Sunan International Airport. When we arrived at Sanya Airport, it was half past 12 midnight. We got on a bus arranged by the travel agency. The driver sent tourists to hotels one by one. It was almost two o’clock after midnight when we got our hotel. We were very tired. But the hotel was very nice and spacious, we could look at the sea from our room balcony.


On the first day we visited Xidao and Nanwan Monkey Island. We got up at 6:30 am then met our tour guide. She was a native young lady. In the morning we went to Xidao to play diving with the help of coach. It was very novel, lots of fishes swimming around you, and you could catch them just by hands.


In the afternoon we went to Nanwan Monkey Island with 2500 mokeys living there. These monkeys would jump down the hill to play with tourists at 8:30 am and back up to the hill at 5 pm, just like going to work and off work everyday. Our tour guide told us that the monkeys were very clever and naughty. When you enter the gate, you should not take any drinks or open bags, otherwise the monkeys would come and rob you.


In the evening we took a cruise around Sanya Bay, the night view of the sea was extrmely beautiful.


In the rest days we visited many beautiful places. We went to the National Forest Park,the End of Earth,the Rose Garden and so on. The air was so fresh, the sea water so blue and the beach so soft. We also experienced the Spring with Small Fishes. The decoration and construction were very beautiful there. There were many hot spring pools, like a maze.


During these days in Sanya we had totally relaxed ourselves and enjoyed the life. We really expacted we could have chance to start another trip soon.


