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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《信任使世界更美丽》Trust makes the world more beautiful

日期:2014/9/23 11:47:51 人气:2512



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: Trust Makes the World More Beautiful 《信任使世界更美丽》

Student name: Lisa Xia

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Financial Specialist

Time of writing: Sep, 2014

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



Trust Makes the World More Beautiful

By Lisa Xia

Sept 17, 2014



What was trust between people like decades ago? Following are something I recalled.


In memorize of my previous time, I used to live in another apartment building. At that time my daughter always played games with her little friends from neighbors. After finished playing she often had lunch or dinner at neighbor’s home, or sometimes vise versa. And we young adults would enjoy a cup of tea while chatting with each other. In case it might rain and I were going out, I could leave the key to neighbors and they would help put away my clothes outside when it suddenly rained. These things were very common during that time, because there were trust between people.


Time flies, people are still the same but trust no longer exists. The relationship between people has changed. They seem like strangers to each other, don’t know who live the next door, how many people are of their neighbors, and never say a word as simple as “hello” to others.


Then what has caused people to become colder to each other?  I think it is the trust lost.


What is trust?  In my point of view, trust refers to believe and dare to entrust. To trust each other bases on the value of giving and returning unselfishly among people, it is not related to materials like money, but the sincerity of love to each other, and it may take years to accumulate. Since nowadays many young people have lost the value of unselfishness and become too materialized, they often want to get more but not to give more, that hurts the feeling of love between each other. As a result, people tend not to trust others, some people even never trust anyone else throughout their lives.


If we dare not to trust others who are worth to be trusted, we can never experience the sweetness of love and the warmth of the world, and our life will become bleak.


People, each of us human beings, are thought to be lonely and shattered living in this world. Everyone should adapt into the boundless universe and sentient beings every day actively, consciously and passionately, to trust and to understand each other, among colleagues and friends.


Furthermore, if one person is totally out of the real world and the colorful communities, what he/she could meet is not the life of Sun vigor but the death of helplessness. Our world and communities will become vigor, have the feeling of sunshine, be up forward and full of dynamic and variety of beauty, all are because of the people and their involvement. At the same time, trust and understanding will make people more self-confident, their mood more peaceful, their steps more firm, their goals more clear, and their business and everything in life more beautiful. Trust and understanding will bring the most beautiful smile, the most exuberant and the youngest friendship to you and your loved ones.


Let's have sincere love to friends, to relatives, to everyone with all the trust and understanding. It is not a difficult thing. We should change our society back to trust and understanding by ourselves through little things, such as saying “hi” to neighbors in the morning or smile to people in public places, and show more trust to others. This way we will find our world more harmonious.



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