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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《我的泰国蜜月之旅》My Horneymoon Trip to Thailand

日期:2013/10/30 8:55:34 人气:5097



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选



Selected student composition: My Honeymoon Trip to Thailand 《我的泰国蜜月之旅》

Student name: Christine Xu 

Employer:  American Co 

Position: Senior Purchase Supervisor  

Time of writing: Aug, 2006 

Teacher’s rating: A+, outstanding 




                          My Honeymoon Trip to Thailand

                By Christine Xu

                                    Aug, 2006



It was in the year of 2002, the next day after I got married. My husband and I decided to fly to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, to spend our eight-day’s honeymoon. That was our first trip by air and we found it so exciting.


It took us five hours to get to Bangkok from Shanghai. When we arrived at the airport, it was two o’clock after midnight. The outdoor temperature was 40 degree Celsius, and it was very humid.


When we got on a luxury coach with the famous-brand of Benz to the hotel, two tour guides met us. They were all Chinese Thai, very kind and speaking Chinese very fluently. They told us if we could put 20 Baht (Thai currency) under the pillow every morning before leaving the hotel, our room would have been kept clean all the time. The five-star hotel was large, nice and we enjoyed it very much.


That morning we visited Bangkok Grand Palace, one of the most splendid complexes in the country. It was said that the outside walls of all buildings were made of gold and colorful glaze. Now, the King of Thailand is still living in there.


In the evening we went to the well-known Thai show. It was a special performance, because all performers were shemales. They looked very beautiful even more than women, and also danced very well. But when they spoke out, we could hear their lower male’s voice. They were all very open and kind and the native people called them “another sort of women”.


In Bangkok we could eat various kinds of fruits, very delicious and cheap. There was only one thing we couldn’t stand, that was the smell of perfume through out the air, the rooms and the foods.


The next morning we got up at six o’clock. We were going to one of the most famous beaches in Thailand– Battaya Beach.


On the way to the beach I noticed that in the coach the driver’s seat was at the right side. In Thailand the traffic rules require vehicles running on the left side of the roads. It was the same as in Hong Kong but different from in our country.


Our tour guides taught us a few words of Thai. “Good morning” in Thai is “KA WA LI CA”, and “KA WA LI COM”. If you are a woman you should say “KA WA LI CA”, otherwise you should say “KA WA LI COM”. In Thailand people call “Mister” “PI PI”. If your last name is Zhang, they call you “Zhang Pi Pi” or “Pi Zhang”. They call a beautiful woman “SHUI JIN JIN”. If you call a native lady “SHUI JIN JIN”, she would be overjoyed. 


The tour guides also told us when people say “it’s time to sing”, you should be careful because that means “it’s time to pee”. This was quite interesting. At last it took us about three hours to travel from Bangkok to Battaya by coach.


What a beautiful beach! Walking on the beach was like a dream when we saw the sea and sands surrounding us. The water was so clean and blue like crystal; the sands were so bright and tiny like salt. We also saw many corals and grass floating on the water. To our regret, neither my husband nor I was able to swim. The only thing we could do was to put on our swimsuits and take lots of pictures around the beach.


Later on we got on a speed boat. Our tour guides warned us that people easy to get seasick should sit in the stern. Finally we landed on a small island after fifteen minutes riding.


Many tourists went to play parachutes which were linked to the boats by strings. When a boat was on sailing, the player would be flying high to the sky then suddenly falling down into the water in a few seconds. When they returned to the boat their clothes were soaked. My husband and I had also tried. It was the most exciting game we had ever experienced.


In the rest days we visited many beautiful places. We had witnessed the mummy of the Buddhist monk whose hair was still growing. We had seen many shows such as Elephant’s Show and Crocodile’s Show, where one elephant carried us for a walk. We went to the Fruits Garden and ate fresh fruits picked up with our own hands.


During these days the travel services in Thailand gave us deep impression. Both the tour guides and coach driver were professional and responsible. Our coach driver had never been changed during the trip, and he had been staying in his driver’s cabinet days and nights.  


Though our honeymoon trip to Thailand has passed for four years, we still memorized it so well just like it was happening yesterday. We really expect that we may travel to this wonderful land one more time.




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