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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《The Thief on a Bus》公交车上的小偷

日期:2015/6/26 14:07:41 人气:2231





外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: The Thief on a Bus《公交车上的小偷》

Student name: Tiger Huang

Employer: 亿和精密工业(苏州)有限公司 (Hong Kong)

Time of writing: Jun 25, 2015

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent




The Thief on a Bus

By Tiger Hu

June 23th, 2015



I had a bad day today, because I was late for work. In my company staffs are allowed to be late for work no more than twice a month, otherwise will be punished by Admin Department. Unfortunately, this was my third time to be late. That's really troubled me a lot. But nobody would believe this was caused by a thief on the bus.


I got up around 6:15 in the morning as usual. When I got off the metro line 1 at Xihuan Road station, it was only 7:10. Then I transferred to bus 323, it would take at most 30 minutes for me to get to my company.


Everything seemed going smoothly. The bus arrived at 7:15 and then ran stop by stop. Time was enough since my office hour would begin at 8:00 am. When the bus stopped at a crossroad waiting for the traffic light, I didn't realized that something strange had happened until all the vehicles began to move except my one. I guessed there might be some problem with the bus but it would continue to move on soon.


But five minutes after the bus still didn't move and the passengers in the back of the bus began to get upset:

"What has happened!"

"Why isn' t the bus moving?”

“We’ll be late for work!"

“Driver, could you open the door please! We’d get off!”. 


At that moment, the driver made an announcement with a loudspeaker:

" Everyone be quiet please! There is a thief in the bus! And this old man has lost his money and mobile phone, so nobody is allowed to get off, sorry! We are waiting for the policemen to come.".


How come? And I thought I must be late for work! But I could do nothing but to wait, or even spend the whole day in a police station.


As time went on some passengers became impatient. They knocked and kicked the door yelling up:

"Open the door, we are going to be late for work! And we are not the thief , we got on the bus earlier than the old man. He must be stolen at the moment of getting on the bus. The thief mustn’t be in the bus now!"


But the old man didn’t want to give in, instead he insisted that the all passengers wait for the policemen.


At last, the policemen came. They asked the old man how much money he had been stolen. At first the old man said he had lost 100 yuan, but after a while he changed it to 10,000 yuan, and he said he had lost his bankbook too.


After asking the driver for a few questions, the policemen took the old man into the police car and the bus moved on again. We were all set free!


After all I thought perhaps the old man was too old to remember something, because he was even not sure weather he had brought money with him or not. Maybe we should forgive him for his poor memory. But I was indeed late for work. And there would be an even worse thing: I should be punished by my company for late work!


