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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《行行出状元》Every Job Produces Top Successor

日期:2014/8/31 11:19:58 人气:2394



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: Every Job Produces Top Successor 《行行出状元》

Student name: Sena Zhang

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: HR Supervisor

Time of writing: Aug, 2014

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



                           Every Job Produces Top Successor

By Sena Zhang

Aug 15th, 2014



In the last ten years, a great number of young people in our country have entered or finished college studies, so there will be more and more college graduates getting into our society and looking for job every year, now and in the coming recent years.


In the mind of most college graduates, they should have worked on management or senior white color positions after graduation. But the real situation is not like that.


Because of the varieties in personal chances and capabilities, some graduates can find good job from the very beginning, but for most of them, they can’t, and they usually feel unsatisfied with their first job. For those who have got good chance to work at good positions right after graduation, but don’t know how to well catch or use them, the results might be even worse.


Some graduates think that certain positions don’t have good career future, they are probably wrong. Every position has its glistening point, just like an old Chinese saying: “Every job produces top successor”(行行出状元). I think the key is how to recognize and to develop it. And new graduates need to recognize themselves too. Unfortunately many of them don’t think in this way.


For example: the documents staff’s position. Some employees think it is a position without development space. Actually if a staff often summarizes his/her job responsibilities and requirements, his/her writing ability will be improved greatly. It is similar to that some people can only see the surface or one side of a issue, but other people can see related sides or potentials of the same issue.


Within three to five years after graduation, it is usually the important time period for employees to accumulate their working experience and to promote their working capabilities. They need to be patient to deal with this process and related issues, such as wages, working conditions, interpersonal relations, etc. 



For my point of view, every enterprise will have this or that kind of problems for employees. If they can solve them quickly, that’s the best. But if not, we still need to accept it and adapt into it. If we want to change our job, we must consider what we like to do and what we are able to do within our capabilities.


Furthermore, we can’t expect to change our jobs frequently. If that, we are thought to be unable to work under pressure and to adapt to the environment, and that will be a serious problem for our career development. Pay more than others then we can achieve more than others. This is what I’m suggesting.

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