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日期:2012/10/24 13:57:45 人气:2260

  Sometimes you look at a list like the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women and wonder if this applies to the rest of us who are managing less high-profile careers on a daily basis. Here are three career lessons anyone can take away from this year’s rankings:


  1.Your own personal efforts trump external conditions


  The range of industries, geographies, functional roles and demographics represented makes it clear that there is a way to make an impact in a variety of conditions. I often hear people lament their external circumstances as keeping them from success – not the right industry, market is too difficult. This isn’t true as demonstrated by the eclectic stories of the Superstar Women To Watch or Women Changing The World.


  2.There is no prescribed timetable for success


  There are young breakout stars, such as 26-year old creator of HBO’s Girls, Lena Dunham, and career veterans, such as the top three on this year’s list, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, and Dilma Rousseff, all of whom have decades of experience. Another popular lament I hear is I’m too old or I’m too young. Just like personal efforts supersede market conditions, there is no one timetable for how success unfolds. Personal efforts supersede personal characteristics.

  成功的女性中,有年纪轻轻的新星,如HBO电视剧《女孩》的制片,年仅26岁的丽娜-邓纳姆;也有经验丰富的职场老将,比如今年权势女性排行榜的前三甲,德 国总理默克尔,美国国务卿希拉里和巴西总统罗塞夫。苏州英语培训还经常听到另一种抱怨就是“我太老了,或者我太年轻了。”正如个人努力比市场条件更重要一样,对于成功而言,并没有规定的时间表去完成。个人努力比个人性格更重要。

  3.You have to put yourself out there


  There are some extreme examples of putting yourself out there, such as Fawzia Koofi who is running for President of Afghanistan despite threats from the Taliban. This might seem superhuman to the everyday person but it shouldn’t discourage you from drawing attention to yourself and your accomplishments. There are numerous examples in the list of women given executive positions because their past accomplishments were noticed or given media prominence because they spoke up in some way. These women were not just discovered toiling away in a cubicle – they were putting themselves out there.

  关于跳出自己的圈子,有一些比较极端的例子,比如法齐娅-库菲,在塔利班的威胁之下依然选择竞选阿富汗总统。这也许对于我们普通人来说,有点超人性质了,不过这也在激励着我们要想办法让别人知道自己的成绩。在权势女性的榜单上有无数这样的例子,这些身居要职的女性正是通过各种方式受人瞩目,让媒体争相报道, 因为她们知道必须要把自己的故事说出来才行。权势女性们不仅仅是在自己的圈子里埋头苦干,还会跳出去,让别人看到自己的成绩。

  So put yourself out there. Don’t think it’s too late or too early to make an impact. Focus on what you can do within your circumstances, rather than wait for ideal conditions. Even if your goal isn’t to make next year’s Forbes list, you will move in a positive direction for your career goals.

