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日期:2012/10/11 11:09:37 人气:3589

  Over the past few weeks, PSY's wacky video for "Gangnam Style" has become a YouTube sensation, generating more than 112,000,000 views since July 15. It's also been Tweeted more than 780,000 times and received over 260,000 likes on Facebook, reports Mashable.com.

  在过去几周里,鸟叔怪异的《江南Style》成了YouTube的大热门,苏州英语培训也一直关注着这首在网上传的沸沸扬扬的神曲,自7月15日以来YouTube上 点击率已近超过1亿1200万次,在推特上的转发达78万次,在脸谱网上则收到超过26万个“赞”。

  With the rapper making an appearance at Thursday's MTV Video Music Awards, here's what you need to know about the break-out artist.

  His real name is Park Jae-Sang


  The 35-year-old K-pop (or Korean pop) rapper is known for his comedic music videos and performances. The video for "Gangnam Style" is no exception. When his debut album PSY ... From the Psycho World! was released in 2001, he was nicknamed "Bizarre Singer" because of his unusual dress, candid lyrics and comical dance movies.


  "Gangnam Style" is giving K-pop international exposure


  "Gangnam Style" is currently No. 1 on the iTunes music video chart. The video has surpassed Taylor Swift's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"; Justin Bieber's "As Long As You Love Me (feat. Big Sean)"; and Katy Perry's "Wide Awake." This is the first time a Korean artist has ranked this high on iTunes.

  “江南Style”目前在iTunes音乐录影排行榜上位列第一,超过了泰勒·斯威夫特的“We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”,贾斯丁·比伯的“As Long As You Love Me (feat. Big Sean)” 和凯蒂·佩里的“Wide Awake”。这是第一个在iTunes上取得如此高排名的韩国歌手。

  这位歌手一时之间在各地以地雷速度迅速蹿红,虽然说小编本人不是很喜欢这种style,但是顺应一下潮流,还是关注了一下,本报道来自于 苏州英语培训

