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日期:2012/10/9 11:27:27 人气:2704

1.      Dialogue

Part One

(David Wang is picking up Anthony Smith at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.)

D: Excuse me, are you Mr. Anthony Smith from Atlantic Company, New York?

A: Yes, I’m Anthony Smith.

D: Hi, Mr. Smith. Welcome to Suzhou! I’m David Wang, and I’m the manager of Marketing Department of Oriental Fashion Suzhou Company. Our company has assigned me to accompany you during your stay here.

A: How do you do? It’s very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport.

D: It’s my pleasure. I hope you had a good trip.

A: Good. No trouble at all. And the flight journey was comfortable.

D: I’m glad to hear that. Do you have jet lag?

A: Yes, a little. I’m not used to the time difference when I travel around the world.

D: In that case, let me see you to the hotel first, and I wish you get refreshed after a hot shower.

A: It’s very thoughtful of you, Mr. Wang.

D: By the way, I have an apology to make on behalf of our Director, Mr. Mark Dong. He has some unexpected business to take care of and will be engaged the whole afternoon. He regrets he won’t be able to meet you here, but he’d be glad to have dinner with you at 7 o’clock at Sheraton Suzhou Hotel.

A: Thank you for the kind invitation and I will be happy to meet him at the dinner table.


Part Two

(Mark Dong is talking with Anthony Smith at the hotel bar room on their business.)

D: Glad to see you again, Mr. Smith.

A: Delighted to see you too, Mr. Dong.

D: Long time no see! How are you getting along with your business?

A: Not bad, I should say. With a good partner like you, our business can’t help prospering.

D: You are flattering, Mr. Smith. Without your generous assistance, we couldn’t have made it single handedly.

A: I’m here to tell you that your silk fashion dresses are very much to the tastes of our market. The excellent quality and the perfect designing appeal to our clients very much.

D: We really appreciate your efforts to pushing the sales of our products.

A: I have to say that we’ve got along with each other quite satisfactorily, and after several years of cooperation in our business, I do think we can take a step forward. Therefore, we would like to act as your sole agent for your products in our local market. I’m fully confident that we can do everything to your satisfaction.

D: I really appreciate your offer. To tell you the truth, we’re taking this into consideration now. Perhaps you would like to give us some ideas of the terms on which you would be willing to operate as our sole agent.

A: No problem. I can send you the details in written form tomorrow.

D: Very well, then. Well, shall we take our places in the dinning room?


(Mark and Anthony are negotiating at the company’s office on their business agreement.)

D: Shall we sit down and go over the details, Mr. Smith?

A: Yes, please.

D: First of all, thank you for your interest in our products, Mr. Smith. We would like to see our products find a larger market in the US. But there are certain terms and conditions you have to adhere to before you become our sole distributor.

A: I’m only too eager to hear the terms and conditions.

D: First, you will neither handle the same or similar products of any other origins simultaneously nor re export ours to any other countries outside your own. Second, a detailed report from you is expected every six months on current market development and customers’ comments on our products. Third, the annual sales volume you accomplish will be a precondition for us to decide the renewal of you status.

A: I don’t think that should pose us a problem, Mr. Dong. On our part, we would like you to assure us that you will not sell your products to any other companies in the US during the probationary period.

D: That can be taken care of, Mr. Smith.

A: Good. Now I would like to discuss the amount of commission.

D: We suggest a commission rate of 7 of the total value of annual sales.

A: I don’t think 7 will be sufficient considering the publicity service we have to provide. As far as I know, it’s becoming more and more expensive to do advertising nowadays.

D: Well, to help you promote the sales, we would make this an exception and give you an 8 commission for the first year. And if the turnover of this year meets our satisfaction, we would consider give you 1 higher commission on the basis of 7.

A: That would be great. I suppose all the other terms remain unchanged.

D: Good, that’s all then.

A: Thank you for your confidence in us, Mr. Dong. I’m sure this is an agreement to our mutual benefits.



2. New Words and Phrases:

assign [               ] 派遣

accompany [            ] 陪伴

comfortable [             ] 舒服

jet lag [              ] 时差反应

shower [             ] 洗澡,淋浴

unexpected [            ] 非期望的

engage [            ] 涉及

regret [              ] 遗憾

Sheraton Suzhou Hotel [              ] 喜来登饭店

invitation [              ] 邀请

delighted[              ] 兴奋的

partner [              ] 伙伴

prosper [              ] 兴隆

generous [           ] 认真的

excellent [          ] 优异的

configuration [          ] 性能

effort [            ] 努力

satisfactorily[              ] 满意地

cooperation [           ] 合作

therefore [            ] 因此

detail [             ] 细节

term [        ] 条款,项目

distributor [            ] 分销商

simultaneously [               ] 同步地

neither 。。。 nor 。。。[             ] 既不。。。又不。。。

accomplish [            ] 完成

precondition [            ] 先决条件

comment [            ] 评论

decide [         ] 决定

status [          ] 地位

renewal [          ] 更新

commission [            ] 佣金

sufficient [           ] 充足的

publicity [           ]

provide [          ] 提供

value [         ] 价值

probationary [             ] 试行的

advertise [            ] 做广告

nowadays [           ] 现今

turnover [          ] 产值

suppose [          ] 假定

promote [          ] 促销



3. Sentence Patterns and Expressions

excuse me, are you ... from … 对不起,您是从 。。。来的 。。。吗?

it’s very kind of you to ... 您 。。。真是太好了

be not used to… 不习惯于 。。。

time difference [            ] 时差

let me see you to … 让我送你去 。。。

to get refreshed [              ] 清醒一下

to make an apology to [              ] 向 。。。道歉

on behalf of [         ] 以 。。。的名义

it’s very thoughtful of you [             ] 你想得真周到

how are you getting along with 。。。干得怎么样

can’t help doing… 怎能不 。。。

we couldn’t have made it single handedly [           ]  我们无法单方面 。。。

you are flattering [            ] 你过奖了,你太吹捧了

to appeal [         ] to 吸引

to take a step forward [           ] 更进一步

to taking … into consideration [              ] 正在对 。。。进行考虑

to act as [           ] 作为 。。。

be willing to [        ] 愿意

to take our places in 在 。。。就座

to go over 将 。。。通览一遍           

to adhere to [         ] 遵照,跟从           

be eager to [        ] 急于 。。。

annual sales volume [          ] 年产量

to pose … a problem [       ] 给 。。。带来问题

as far as I know 就我所知

to remain unchanged [               ] 保持不便 

mutual benefits [             ] 相互利益     

make … an exception [             ] 将 。。。做例外处理

that’s all then 全在着儿了



4. Text Translation in Chinese


商 务 谈 判




D: 对不起,请问您是大西洋公司的安东尼。史密斯先生吗?

A: 是的,我是安东尼。史密斯

D: 你好,史密斯先生!欢迎来苏州。我是王大伟,苏州东方时装公司的市场部的经理。我们公司派我在你在苏州逗留期间陪伴你。

A: 你好!你能到机场来接我真是太好了。

D: 这是我应该的。我希望你旅途快乐。

A: 很好。一点麻烦也没碰到。而且飞机上的旅途很舒服。

D: 我很高心听你这么说。你有时差效应吗?

A: 是的,有一点。我在做国际旅行时老是不习惯于时差。

D: 如果是这样的话,先让我送你去旅馆吧,希望你在洗个热水澡后精神恢复。

A: 你考虑很周全,王先生。

D: 顺便说一下,我代表我们的董事长董先生向你致歉。他有些应急业务要处理,整个下午都脱不开身。他很遗憾未能在此与你见面,但他将很高兴在今晚7点在喜来登饭店与你共进晚餐。

A: 谢谢盛情邀请,我将很高兴在晚餐桌上与他见面。




D: 很高兴再次见面,史密斯先生!

A: 见到你我也很兴奋,董先生!

D: 很长时间没见面了,你们的生意怎么样啊?

A: 不错,我应当说。有你这样好的合作伙伴,我们的生意不可能不兴隆。

D: 你过奖了,史密斯先生。没有你们慷慨的支持,我们单方面也做不到。

A: 我来这是想告诉你,你们的真丝时装非常符合我们市场的口味。其优异的质量和完美的设计非常吸引我们的客户。

D: 我们非常感谢你们把我们的产品推向市场的努力。

A: 我必须指出我们之间已有了相当满意的相处,同时在这一行业的几年合作以后,我确实认为我们能够再前进一步了。为此,我们很愿意成为你们产品在我们当地市场的唯一代理。我完全有信心我们能尽一切来令你们满意。

D: 我真的感谢你的提议。实话对你说,我们正在将此置于考虑之中。或许你能提供一些关于你们作为我们唯一代理运作的条款的意见。

A: 没问题。我可以在明天将详细条款以书面形式发给你。

D: 很好。那么,我们现在去餐厅就坐如何?




D: 史密斯先生,我们要坐下来详细谈论一下所有细节吗?

A: 好的,请。

D: 首先,感谢你们对我们的产品有兴趣,史密斯先生。我么很愿意看到我们的产品在美国能找到一个更大的市场。但是在你们成为我们的唯一推销商之前,有特定的条款和条件要附加上的。

A: 我只急切地想知道这些条款和条件。

D: 首先,你们既不能再同时代理其他原产地相同的或相似的产品,也不能将我们的产品转口到除你们自己国家以外的其他国家。其次,我们要每隔六个月从你们那里收到关于我们产品在当前市场发展情况及客户评论的详细报告。第三,你们所达到的年销售量将作为我们决定是否更新你们地位的先决条件。

A: 我不认为这会带给我们问题,董先生。在我们这方面,我们以为最好你们能向我们保证,在合作试验期内你们不会将你们的产品销售给美国的其他公司。

D: 这件是我们会做好的,史密斯先生。

A: 好的。现在我想来讨论一下佣金问题。

D: 我们建议佣金为年销售总额的百分之七。

A: 我不认为七个百分点是充分考虑了我们的推广服务。就我所知,做广告在现金变得日益昂贵。

D: 好吧,为了帮助你们推销,我们将此案作为例外,在第一年给你们百分之八的佣金。如果这第一年的销售额令我们满意,我们将在八的基础上再给你们提高一个百分点佣金。

A: 那样就太好了。我认为其他的条款可以保留不予改动。

D: 很好,就这样吧。

A: 谢谢你对我们具有的信心,董先生。我相信这是一个对我们双方都有利的协议。