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日期:2018/11/29 8:07:30 人气:1953









                                   短 文 集



主编:John Y

2018年10月 苏州


iCanSay International Engish Training Center






Applying for job as a production manager

By Jack Xu



Production manager is important in manufacturing, therefore the requirements for this position are higher than that of others. Though it is, I still choose it as my career objective. For my point of view production manager must meet the following demands.


Firstly, production manager must be experienced in related work fields. At least five years working experiences with supervisory level or higher are needed.


Secondly, production manager must be able to work under high presure. He or she must be a hardworking person and have good communication skills, sense of leadership, team work and responsibilities, strong ability of solving problems and so on.


Thirdly, I think, production manager should be able to identify talents or good quality of employees and train them for development.


I wish I can work at the position of a production manager in the future.




                   Employment coming with unemployment                           

                                 By Jack Xu


Nowadays job-hunting is getting more and more difficult. Some people are becoming employed from unemployed, while other people are becoming unemployed from employed. People are always experiencing status from one to another.


Being employed is a main way that employees can earn money to maintain their families. Some people change their jobs in order to earn much money. Before they get new job, they stay unemployed for they are not satisfied with the new work environment or conditions, or they cannot meet the requirements of the new position. Some of them begin to hunt for another new job. Others of them choose to study.


Lost job is terrible for employees, regardless of economy and heart. I think it is most important for those unemployed to keep a good mood. Don’t let yourself dismay, also don’t lose confidence yourself.


Unemployment is a good chance that you can get experiences and learn from failure. So don’t worry about you may be unemployed sometime. At present, it is a very normal phenomenon in our highly competitive society.


I think unemployment is not terrible, but stop learning is more terrible. If you continue to learn regardless of work or not, you will sooner or later get a good job in the future.




                       My career objective

                            By Christine Xu



Everyone has many different dreams in their childhood. But only a few people can make their dreams true. Same as me, to become an interpreter was my dream in my childhood. Actually I was in purchasing area at last eight years.


Now I have a part-time job in an insurance company. I am finding for a new job that is in purchasing area in the foreign company. I felt frustrated for maybe I could not through interview because my poor English.


For my further plan, I will improve my spoken English as soon as possible. If I will have a new job as a coursing engineer, I will plan to how to handle my job well. At first, I will see about company’s policy and organization chart. Then go to study the operational process of the souring. And learn more production and technical knowledge about the new company, I will also see how does my manager to do, at last I will start my work. If any query I can’t solve it, I will ask to my manager.


I will catch any chance to contact with foreigners. Maybe at first I will listen to them, and then try to communication with them. I want to be a successful person in this area.



A letter to my new employer

By Jenny


Dear Mr. Smith,


I am writing to say I am very sorry that I will not be able to start the job at your company on August 10th because of a car accident.


On August 6th I was bumped into by a car and my right leg was badly injured. I went to see a doctor. He suggested that I delay my job and stay home for at least two weeks.


Fortunately, these days my right leg is recovering very well. Maybe I don’t need to lie on bed so long. Hopefully I can start my job on August 20th. Anyway, I will let you know when I am ready to go.


Thank you for your kind attention. I am looking forward to meeting you soon.


Yours Sincerely,


Jenny Sun



After my dormitory room has been burgled

--- A letter to the room manager 

By Jenny


Dear Mr. Smith,


I am sorry to inform you that my room has been burgled.


When I came back from my vacation, I found a burglar had entered my room. Both the cabinet and drawers were open and my things were scattered on the floor. Moreover, my lap-top computer disappeared. I also found the north window of the living room had broken. It is obvious that the burglar broke the glass and entered my apartment through this window. My apartment is on the first floor, so it is easy to be broken into as long as the window is open to the street.


I strongly suggest that the security barriers be installed on all windows to protect this kind of event from happening again. I am very grateful if you can come to take a look and to settle the problem ASAP.


I am looking forward to your earlier reply.


Yours sincerely,


Jenny Sun



Requesting a letter of recommendation 

By Jenny  


Dear Prof. Wang,


I am writing to ask for your kind assistance. I am one of your students at Modern Literature Department. This is my last year in Nanjing University. I plan to enroll in the course of English Literature at London University, and I was requested to provide a letter of recommendation from one of my former teachers. As one of my respected professors who are familiar with me, you are my best choice for your reputation in the above field.


Since your opinion is very important for me, would you be kind enough to write a letter of recommendation for me to the university I am applying to? I would be very grateful if you can affirm my performance, especially under your advice during the last three years, in your letter. I will appreciate it very much if this letter can be received before October 10th.


Thank you so much for your kindness. I am looking forward to your earlier reply.


Yours sincerely,


Jenny Sun



My computer

By Rex



Do you have a computer? Yes, of course. Computer is becoming more and more important in our modern life. You can’t work, communicate with friends or get more information without computer.


I touched the computer first time in 1996. The type of it was called 286. I used it for printing out letters. The screen could only show black and white. The floppy disk was 5.5 inches. At that time I didn’t know what the computer can do. I just felt it mysterious.


One year later, I learnt how to operate a computer called 586. I played games with it was interested in it. To own a computer became such a strong desire in my mind. But that time the price of computer was too high and sales of it was not as popular as now. I even didn’t know where to buy it. This had lasted for 2 years.


Two years later, I went to college and lived in Nanjing as a student of Nanjing University of Aeronautics And Astronautics. I studied computer science, got a lot of knowledge about it. And then my father bought one for me. I was so excited. I made practice on it, played many interesting games with it, and looked for jobs on it. The computer cost my father 9000RMB at that time. Now it has retired.


Nowadays the computers are becoming more sophisticated, quicker but less expensive. I think the computer will be more and more close to our lives.




My trip to Shanghai(Part 1)

By Jessica



Shanghai is a well-known city in the world. It is one of the most prosperous cities in China under high speed of development.


With a 16 million population, Shanghai covers a vast area of 6,340 square kilometers, which has 18 districts listed as Baoshan, Jiaxing, Qinpu, Songjiang, Putuo, Zabei, Hongkou, Yangpu, Jing’an, Changnin, Xuhui, Huangpu, Luwan, Minhang, Jinshan, Nanhui, Fengxian and Pudong New District. They are divided into two parts known as Puxi and Pudong by Huangpu River. Nanhui, Fengxian and Pudong New District belong to Pudong, the other 15 districts belong to Puxi.


If you go to Shanghai, you will see many magnificent buildings. For example, in Pudong New District there is a modern building called Jinmao Tower which is the highest building in China with the total height of 420.5 meters. There is another highest building in Asia, which name is Oriental Pearl Tower. It is 468.0 meters high and has many high grade shops and stores too. So it attracts many tourists from all of the world.


As China’s railway systems develop very fast, newly invented Motive Force Train has been put into use since 18th April, 2007. It can run as fast as 200 km/h, which is much faster than the normal trains. For example it can save 15 minutes for passengers from Suzhou to Shanghai. Many people especially business men like to try it. Its carriages are much cleaner than the normal ones.


I heard that the Motive Force Train is so comfortable for trip, so I invited two of my friends to ride it with me on Sunday last month. We decided to go shopping in Shanghai.



Healthy living

By Jessica


As China’s economy develops very fast, people are competing with each other for living more and more intensely. Most people are busy with work, So they lack physical exercises. Since they have private cars or electric bikes, they don’t need to walk or to ride bicycle to work。Therefore they don’t spend too much energy everyday.


Since there are many restaurants everywhere, a lot of people especially young people have their meals there. Though the food is delicious, they are not good for health. As the food in restaurant contain too much fat and high cholesterol. If people often eat them and don’t do any exercises, they would be more likely to get sick. For example they may suffer the diseases such as High Blood Pressure and Diabetes. So they should be more aware of their living manners. I think it’s very important for everyone to plan a better lifestyle.


I realized that my lifestyle is not healthy, so I want to change it by myself. I fix my exercises time everyday. I go jogging for thirty minutes and then I eat eggs and milk every morning. I usually eat low fat food instead of high fat food such as fish and chicken but not meat. I eat more fruits and vegetables too.


There is another important point for healthy living. Except for doing exercises and having healthy food, people need to keep themselves in good mood. Always give others smiles and you can get sunshine every day. I really wish everybody to live a healthy and happy lif



                     My girl friend’s Wedding 

                            By Joanna Chen


One of my girl friends got married on October 3rd this year. That day, the weather w as nice, the sun was shining and the wind was breezing.


When I got to the bride’s house I saw she was dressed up very well. She was sitting on her bed, looking so beautiful. Many guests came to congratulate her. A few minutes later the groom came in. A bunch of roses was in his hand. He kneed down on one of his legs and gave the roses to her. Then he said: “dear, please marry to me, I will love you forever”. And this action was caught by cameras in many of her friends.


In front of her house, there were six cars and two limousines waiting for them. Around 10:00 am we left the bride’s house for the groom’s house.


When we got there, many people together with a local band were waiting for them. There was suddenly a scene with jollification. Under the emcee’s guide, they stood up at the center of the hall. Then the emcee said: "First, worship the heaven and earth. Second, worship the parents. And third, worship each other. They did as the emcee said. At last the bride’s parents gave 180,000RMB to them and a necklace to the groom as gifts. At that moment, all the guests were applauding for them.


That day, my gir lfriend got her best gift form the world!



Inviting friend to a birthday party


By Jenny



Dear Cathy,


I will host a dinner party at my home on Saturday, July 28, 2007, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of my husband’s birthday. As a close friend of us like you, my husband and I would very much like you to honorably attend our party and to share our joy.


The party will begin at 7:30 in the evening. Firstly we will hold a small but warm ceremony with blowing candles and cutting cakes. This will be followed by a Chinese dinner. After that we will go to Shantang Street near Shilu Commercial Area to appreciate the beautiful night piece. There are many traditional Chinese architectures and handcrafts. I believe you will enjoy it.


If you don’t have any prior appointment on July 28th, we are look forward to meeting you at our party.


Best wishes,


Jenny Sun



                Life differences between city and countryside

                                     By James Xu


Nowadays more and more residents of the country are moving to cities. They are there looking for jobs or migrated by the government for the enlargement of the cities. Even this is true, many of them are still missing country’s life, so am I.


People may tell many advantages on life in the cities such as shopping, transportation, education and doing business. They may tell as well many shortages about life in the country like dirty roads, unhealthy water and unsafe house structures. Some people believe them because of prejudice from traditional Chinese culture. In fact they are not right at all.


I always spend weekends and holidays with my family in hometown--a beautiful village far away from the cities, surrounded by a lake called Yan. There are about one hundred families living in this village. People there have been living on farming and serici culture(养蚕) for hundreds of year, so trees to feed silkworms are everywhere. When spring comes every year, green trees will cover everything like a park. But all of these we can never see in the cities.


For my personal experience people in the cities may have more opportunities to find better jobs, to get better education, to receive better medical cares than in the country. But this situation has changed now. News about unreasonable high expenses on education and medical cares are reported by the media every day.


Meanwhile we often see changes in the country from news and stories: income increased, house rebuilt and insurance system set up.


The most important thing to live in the country is we can touch the nature so closely. It is so great to hear the birds sing and the dogs bark instead of the noise from machines and cars when you wake up every morning.


You can go fishing and swimming in summer, fly kites in autumn and enjoy the endless green fields and trees in spring. All these can turn you into a good mood.


I can also see some difference from my son. He is so happy that nobody can catch him when he gets back my hometown every time, by then he is just like a freed deer from the zoo.


With so many advantages, the number of people living in the country is still decreasing now. I don’t think this is a good sign for us. It shows more and more farmers are not satisfied with their living conditions, and they need more concerns from our society.



Advantages and disadvantages of fast food and traditional food


By Jenny


It seems that the “traditional food” is partially being taken over by “fast food” in the modern society. Brand fast food such as KFC, MacDonald, Pizza Hut and so on are welcomed by more and more Chinese people. Fewer people with fast pace of life are willing to spend several hours to prepare for traditional food. However, a coin has two sides, so do both the fast food and traditional food.


The obvious advantage of fast food is saving time. This is more important in the modern society. People are able to put all time and energy into their work, study and entertainment. The other advantage is that cooking of fast food is very simple. Even if you know nothing about cooking, you may also make fast food very well. Putting the food materials into microwave oven or taking a slice of meat into two pieces of bread is all you need to do. Of cause, many people complain that fast food is not healthy and tastes not so good. As one of the most popular fast food chain restaurants, KFC is always criticized for its fried food, which is likely to increase the chance of causing cancers.


Meanwhile, traditional food is more healthy and delicious when compared with fast food. Both cooking and eating traditional food are happy experiences for many people. But we can’t deny because cooking traditional food is a time-consuming task. It is sometimes a big burden for nowadays working people. Moreover, not all people are able to prepare delicious traditional food. You have to know more about cooking. More costs of it is also another problem. As we know, traditional food is usually more expensive.


Therefore, many people try to find a way to combine advantages of fast food and traditional food. But now people seem to have only one choice, either fast food or traditional food.



Should cloth be comfortable or fashionable?


By Jenny


Nowadays the trend of fashion changes so rapidly that people always can’t make head or tail of it. People spend much money and energy to follow the fashion, but often become the slaves of it. So some people think a person should choose comfortable clothes which he or she likes, regardless of fashion. In my opinion, it is not a matter of what clothes we should choose, but rather a personal choice. Moreover, we should respect people’s choice.


Everybody wants to become more beautiful. The trend of fashion usually represents the most fashionable and beautiful things in certain period of time. If one person with time, energy and money is willing to follow the fashion, we shouldn’t say anything wrong with it. At the same time, if another person is not willing to do so, we should also respect his or her choices.


Though we have rights to pursue fashion or not, we need to keep our sense in front of fashion. On the one hand, ordinary people don’t have enough money and time to always follow the fashion. On the other hand, not all fashionable things are fitting you. There is a famous Hong Kong lady named Teresa Cheung who is crazy about fashionable things. At last she owed to banks a large amount of debts and had to declare bankrupt.


In a word, pursuing fashion or not is a personal choice. Meanwhile, people should have reasonable attitudes towards fashion and be masters of fashion rather than slaves.




Should animal zoos be closed?


By Jenny


A coin has two sides, so do the zoos. We can deny it is cruel to keep animals locked up. But many people think zoos should be closed just because of this reason, and what’s more, zoos play a negative role in society. I can’t agree with this view for the following reasons.


First of all, there are many kinds of animals which people have little chance to take a close look out of zoos. Zoos give public, especial children, an opportunity to access to the animals and know more about them. For most children, the sightseeing experience in zoos is unforgettable during their whole life. Only could they be acquainted with animals, human beings could protect themselves better.


Secondly, modern zoos are greatly different from those of 100 years ago. Many zoos now are becoming animals’ protection and research centers rather than animals’ purely displaying places. Many animals, which are on the edge of distinction, are better taken care of in zoos. And some of them have gotten away from disappearance by scientists’ efforts. The panda in China is a good example.


Besides, more and more wild animal parks have been built up in recent years. In these areas environment are similar to the wild and animals are no longer locked up. The only difference from the real wild is there is no-hunting in wild animal parks.


Therefore, I think the advantages of zoos certainly prevail over their disadvantages. We should do more for both zoos’ animals and wild animals, instead of closing zoos imprudently.



Should children’s leisure activities be educational?


By Jenny


Some people think children must be educated in their leisure activities. If their leisure activities are not educational, they are a complete waste of time. I can’t agree with this point.


Firstly, the purpose of leisure activities is to give children opportunities to play and to relax themselves. Children will reach their purpose as long as they are relaxing themselves. They can learn knowledge and skills from playing around, some of which even give children deeper impression than that learnt from class, they are additional benefits. So it is unnecessary to put educational elements into children’s leisure activities purposively.


On the other hand, the pressure on the children’s shoulders has become heavier and heavier. In my country many children are send to learn all kinds of courses such as playing piano, calligraphy, drawing and so on by their parents when they are still in infant’s school. And children are required to attend the exams to get certain qualifications. Some of parents even ignore children’s interests and force them to learn the courses that children have no interest in. Actually, in China children already have very heavy course burden. If we do like that, it would be harmful to children’s physical and mental health. These cases are often reported by media in China.


Therefore, we should respect children’s nature and give them more time to play. In modern society if a person can’t be allowed to play in his/her childhood, when would he/she be able to play?



Learning how to drive

By Jack Xu



Most people think it would be pretty easy learning how to drive, and so did I before. On Sept.15 this year I started to learn driving together with my colleagues at IVT Driving School. It had changed my idea


At the first we learned how to pass the peg. Our trainer told us the whole session for driving training would be totally 30 days. “Session for peg practice will take us 15 days, then road practice 15 days”, he said.


“Oh my god, it is too short,” we said. At the same time our coach started the engine and told us about driving knowledge and how to identify some of the handling parts.


The first week I was too busy with my work to attend the peg practice. The second week we started learning driving at sight. I was really worried about it because I saw the other trainees pass the peg well but I knew only the functions of some parts. Our coach told me “you ‘d better try the next turn. If you want to pass the road test, you must make more efforts.”


The rest days I followed the coach’s instructions. In the daytime I learned from my coach. At night I learned from the senior driver. Four days passed, I had been able to pass the peg successfully by 30%. I continued to practice following the coach’s instruction. At the last day before test, I could only pass the peg well by 50%.


On Sept. 29, we all attended the peg test. That day I was quite nervous. “Just be yourself,” my coach encouraged me. And fortunately I finally passed the peg test through four tries.


In the second session we practiced the road driving. I learned it very hard. I attended the practice everyday and remembered every word the coach said. This time I was lucky enough to pass the road test at the first try.


Do you think learning driving is easy or difficult? I don’t think it is easy because we need to spend a lot of time and effort to succeed. After all, I am happy with that I will be able to drive a car on the road. It will charge my life. 




My impression on banking

by Andy Ruan



As we know, there are four top banks in China and they are all owned and controlled by China Central Bank. They are the BANK OF CHINA, the AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA, the CONSTRUCTION BANK OF CHINA and the INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA. Because China has joined WTO, our government has to agree that banks can be invested by nongovernmental organizations and famous foreign banks as well. Basically, we are all somewhat surrounded by the branches of these four national banks.


How many savings accounts do you have? Will you tell me what kind of savings account you have? As we know, once somebody gets a new job, his/her employer will open a new deposit account for him/her. I used to work for four companies, so I got six current deposit accounts from them. Every time I went to banks with the accounts I was not going to use, bank clerks would suggest I go to the original account banks to close them. I was sick and tied of such procedure, for I have got at least ten savings accounts in different banks so far. Most of them are current deposit accounts which little money have left on.


On weekends, I often see many people stay in lines in banks’ halls to deposit or to withdraw money. I wonder why so many people go to banks to do that? Although there has been a large population in china, we may try some other ways to make it easier. More ATM machines can be added in the places where are necessary. Banks should study machine usage frequency and make optimal allocation. Of course, advanced machines should be developed and applied.


Meanwhile, we should be encouraged to use bank cards. But the precondition is to have the reason to trust the use security of cards. We have been told many times in news that bank cards are easily used by bad guys to steal the money.


I just read the news that China central bank is planning to increase interest rate again. It’s a bad news for me, because I owe bank a lot of money. But I did not pay any special attention to it because the increase of interest rate has happened for three times in just a short period of time. I regard it as usual.


How much do you know about banking? What other services are you getting from the banks other than deposit or withdraw? I would like to discuss these issues with you. See you soon.





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