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日期:2018/5/20 7:40:56 人气:2157









Speaking English Saved Me from Butcher’s Knife 



              ——节选自John Y 长篇美国留学生活英语回忆录      





If I say that a person with good English communication skills will be able to show off fashion and education, will help find a good job, will be more likely promoted or get a pay raise in a career, will make more domestic and foreign friends, or will have better chance to go abroad for overseas studies, there should be no disagreement. But if I say speaking English could have saved a human life, perhaps no one would agree.

During my third year in the US, however, there was one incident that made me feel speaking English could be a matter of life and death. I had experienced another robbery and it was speaking English that had saved my ass from a butcher’s knife.

In the autumn of 1989, I moved from Pasadena to West Covina. Security in this area was not good but the rent was cheap. I went to UCLA class during the day and in evenings I worked for a Pizza Hut branch shop at Azusa Boulevard as a delivery guy.

One night, it had already passed ten o 'clock and I was going to get off from the work. Just then the telephone rang, a delivery order had come. The manager asked me to run one more time and I had no other choice. After a few minutes, I packed the pizza in a big case, started my Celica and then rushed into the streets. I wouldn't have expected that a death trap was there awaiting me.

It was a quiet neighborhood, and most residents probably had gone to bed. There was not a figure on the streets, only a few shimmering lights were flashing up from inside the house windows along the roadside.

My Celica stopped in front of a house down the street. I looked at the street No. and told myself: “Yes, here it is”. I parked the car across the street, got out and holding the pizza, walked on to the front steps. But I found the door light was off and the window facing the street was fully covered by the curtain with not even a glimmer of light seen. I stepped forward and knocked at the door but there was no answer. I knocked again and saw the window curtain move a little opening a small corner. Behind the corner I saw a Hispanic face show up and then disappear straight after.


“Fuck, what’s up?” I got a little impatient.

While I stood on the doorway wondering, a figure was coming from the corner of the house towards me. Looking at the size and shape, I could tell that he was a black man in 20s. Guessing he was the right person for the order, I said to him: "Hey sir, your order please!"

He had already walked over to me. Just at that moment, he suddenly struck down the pizza in my right hand with his left fist, followed by a heavy knock with his right fist straight at my left cheek. This sudden attack took me off guard and I fell down to the grass under the footsteps, the pizza scattering all over the ground.

At this time, from the corner of the house jumped out another black guy. They were both wearing tough shoes and kicked me hard all over my body. Then the first guy lowered himself down, put his left knee against my chest, one hand grasped my hair and his other hand pulled out a foot long butcher’s knife that he held against my neck with its sharp edge. Then the latter bent over me and searched my clothes. "Where's the money?" he whispered.

"Here it is!" From my pocket I pulled out a wallet and passed it over, it contained 30 dollars. The black guy dragged the wallet, took out the money and counted. "No… More, more! We want more money!" Obviously, this money couldn’t satisfy their appetites so they started striking me again and I let out a low but fierce cry.

Lying back down on the grass, I was feeling a sharp stabbing pain in the neck, but I couldn’t move at all. In the night sky, I could see only a few stars twinkling weakly. I felt the blood flowing from my nose and mouth, along my jaw and into ears, gurgling and dripping on to the grass.

"This guy got no money, we’d kill him!" I heard one of the blacks saying. Then, he pushed the blade forward against my neck, lowered his head and said to me: "Poor man, you saw us today, we goanna kill you!"

A terrible thought suddenly came across my mind: “They’re going to kill me! Is this the night, now, my last moment in the world?”


Triggered by such a thought, however, I had calmed down and the human survival instinct arose in me with all kinds of emergency reactive mechanisms instantly flashing before my mind, one after another. Benefitting from my profession in psychology, I had good personal character, and necessary knowledge and readiness as well on how to deal with such desperate situations. I knew I couldn't show any signs of resistance or intentions of the kind. I knew I must keep calm, must be rational and must make the assailants calm down and be rational too. At the same time I must also fulfill their desires and let them know I could make it right now. The only way to do all of these effectively was to keep communicating with them, both orally and psychologically!

Thinking of these, I had blurted out a bunch of English speaking:
"Calm down, sir!"
"Don’t do any stupid things, sir!"
"You can take everything you want, sir!"

"Save me and save yourself!"

These words really took effect at once. The sharp blade didn’t cut down and yelling tone also eased slightly. "What you have more?" One black guy asked maliciously.

"I’ve got a car, a Celica!" It suddenly emerged in my mind that I had a car, which might be the last piece of straw that could have saved me from sinking.

"Where’s it?”
"It’s over there!" I pointed to the car across the street.
"Where's the key?"
"In the car, go take it!"
"If no key, we kill you!"

Saying this, the black guy searching me immediately gave up and ran to the street. Moments later an engine starting sound came up.

"Come on, let's go!" A shout came from across the street. The other guy on me quickly removed the knife from my neck, stood up and ran into the darkness…

After a while, accompanied by a burst of engine acceleration, I heard the familiar sound of my Celica moving away in the distance. It was like I had just woken up from a nightmare. I rose to my feet from the grass, wiped out the blood from my mouth and cheek, heaved a long sigh of relief, and then, walked to the door of the house...

(End of Part One)










    1989年秋天,我的住处从洛城的Pasadena(帕萨迪纳)搬到West Covina(西柯汶那)。这个区的安全不太好,但房租较便宜。我白天到学校上课,晚上利用余暇时间在Pizza Hut(美国连锁快餐店,在中国称“必胜客” )打工,专管送外卖。




    “Fxxx!What’s up?”(妈的,怎么回事?)我心里有些不耐烦了。

    我站在门口正纳闷,从房子的转角处闪出一个人影,向我走来。从体型和肤色上看,这是一个体格强壮的黑人,约莫二十来岁。“这应该是order匹萨饼的房子主人了!”我一边这样想,一边迎着他走过去。“Sir, this is your order.”我说。


    这时从房子转角处又窜出一个黑人。两人用穿着大头皮鞋的脚先对我一阵乱踢,然后先前那个黑人蹲下身,用左膝盖抵住我的胸部,一只手抓住我的头发,另一只手从身上抽出一把一尺多长的利刃,用刃尖抵住我的颈子。后来的黑人则弯腰搜我的衣服。“Where’s the money?”他低声嚎叫。

    “Here’s the money!”我从裤袋里掏出皮夹子递过去,里边有三十多美元。黑人一把抢过去,抽出钱数了数。“No, more, more! We want more money!”(不,我们还要钱,要钱!)显然,这点小钱满足不了他们的胃口,他们又继续凶狠地喊叫。


    “This guy got no money, we’d kill him!”(这家伙没钱,我们最好宰了他!)我听到其中一个黑人在说。接着,那个用利刃抵住我脖子的黑人于是低下头来,轻轻地对我说:“You saw us today, we goanna kill you!”(你今天看见我们了,我们要杀了你!)




    “Calm down, sir!”(镇静,先生!)

    “Don’t do any stupid things, sir!”(别做傻事!)

    “You can take everything from me you want, sir!”(你们要从我身上拿什么就拿什么吧,先生!)

    “Save me and you save yourself!”(拯救我也就是拯救你们自己!)

    这一招果然有效,黑人的利刃没有下来,叫喊的口气也稍稍缓和了些。“What you have more?”(你还有什么?)

    “I’ve got a car, a Celica!”(我有一辆车,丰田跑车!)我突然想起我的车,这是最后的救命稻草了。

    “Where’s it?”(在哪里?)

    “It’s over there!”(街对面!)我指了指街对面的车影。

    “Where’s the key?”(钥匙呢?)

    “In the car,go take it!”(在车上,去取吧!)

    “If no key, we kill you!”(如没钥匙,就宰了你!)


    “Come on, let’s go!”(过来,快走!)车那边传来叫喊声。那个骑在我身上的黑人,马上将利刃从我脖子上移开,扔下我,转身飞快地向街对面跑去。





下一个:外企英语培训学员英语短文选:《“Dabao” or “to take out”》