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日期:2016/1/31 13:42:38 人气:8484










1. not on your life 绝不

Not on your life would I ever make a friend like you.



2. be fed up with 厌恶

His girlfriend was so greedy that he got fed up with her and finally departed.



3. show … to the door 对。。。下逐客令

The old man was staying at the teahouse to make too much noise, the owner had to show him to the door.



4. calm down 冷静下来 calm … down 让。。。冷静下来

Whenever he gets too excited and emotional, I have to calm him down.



5. let bygones be bygones 过往不究

They decided to reconcile their differences and let bygones be bygones.



6. live out of a suitcase 行无居所,常年在外

He likes traveling all the year and not mind living out of a suitcase.



7. call one’s own 自己拥有

After spent all her savings for many years, she finally bought a house to call her own.




8. make one’s mouth water 使人垂涎欲滴

Without having eaten anything for a whole day, he was made mouth water by the roast beef and its smell.



9. know a thing or two about 略知一二,通晓

Through many years self-learning and practice, he knows a thing or two about Chinese medicine.



10. make sense (out) of 对。。。了解,明白

John is the only person who can make sense out of his Chinese English.



11. be Greek to 莫名其妙,一头雾水

I’ve been learning Japanese for long time but it’s still Greek to me.



12. ten to one 十之八九,十拿九稳

He said he’s a college graduate but ten to one he has not even passed the 5th grade.



13. not a big deal 不是大事,不用放在心上

I was laid off by the company, but John said to me it’s not a big deal, I can find another job easily.



14. beat … to it 对。。。抢先一步

I saw an ad on website that a new house for sale with good deal. I went to take a look but someone had already been there beating me to it.



15. talk … out of 使 。。。不去做某事

My niece is a college student, she wants to date a young man from South America but all of her family members talk her out of it.



16.talk …into…劝说/游说 。。。去做某事

My son is in the second year of high school now so my brother often talks me into sending him to America for overseas studies.



17. close-up 特写,近距离显示

To put her best images on the ads he took a lot of close-ups of her face.



18. do ,,, justice 还 。。。公道,公平对某人

Though some classmates don’t like her, to do her justice she is really beautiful.



19.turn one’s head 大喜过望,冲昏头脑

Winning the top prize at the Oral-English Contest made him turn his head.



20.pushover 举手之劳

Preparing to pass the English final exam is the most difficult task for students in class, but for him it’s just a pushover.




21. all set 一切准备就绪

Students were all set for the exam when the teacher told them to cancel due to some emergency.



22. get wind of 得到风声,获知。。。

News reporters seem to always get wind of some scandals in advance of anyone else.



23. be thrown off the track 脱离正规,迷失方向

We were completely thrown off the track by some confusing directions in looking for his house.



24. let the cat out of the bag 不小心泄密

We were going to give my father a surprise with this birthday present, but my younger brother let the cat out of the bag.



25. keep … under someone’s hat 保守秘密

The boss likes his assistant because he always keeps everything important under his hat.



26. wear out 磨损,使疲劳 be worn out 疲劳不堪,筋疲力尽

I asked my son not to study so hard that it could have worn him out quickly.



27. sneeze at 藐视,看不起

I sneezed at that guy since he was only good at saying big words.



28. turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页,重新开始

Why don’t you turn over a new leaf and start another business?



29. out of shape 变形,身体衰败

The girl sitting over there used to be pretty and slim but now is totally out of shape.



30. out of one’s head 疯狂,失去理智

She had a fight with her husband and was now out of her head to stand on the middle of the street wanting to kill herself.



31. put someone in his place 挫其锐气,把 。。。打回原形

This guy is always talking big and we need put him in his place.



32. can’t see eye to eye 无法意见一致,意见相左

They got married years ago but still can’t see eye to eye on many simple affairs.



33. set one’s teeth on edge 触怒某人,使人不悦

He annoys her so much that just a look at him can set her teeth on edge.



34. jump on 责备,痛斥

The waitress broke a plate and her boss really jumped on her.



35. take the wind out of one’s sails 使某人丧失信心

He bragged he was good for everything but being fired by his boss really took the wind out of his sails.



36. get stuck (doing something) 被 。。。困住,陷于 。。。

It was already off time but I got stuck at the office doing too much extra work.



37. slip one’s mind 完全忘记

It completely slipped her mind that she was sopposed to meet her boyfriend for lunch.



38. at one’s wit’s end 江郎才尽,无计可施

He was really at his wit’s end trying all way to talk me into buying his goods.



39. put one in another’s shoes 设身处地,换位思考

If she would put herself in his shoes, she would have understood why he felt so hurt by her action.



40. draw the line 划出底线,不允许

She talked to her daughter: “if you want to date your boyfriend tonight, that’s fine. But when you come home after midnight, that’s where I draw the line.”



41. in the doghouse 被讨厌、责骂

If I don’t find the iPhone he lent to me immediately, I’ll really be in the doghouse.



42. turn a deaf ear to 拒绝听 。。。,充耳不闻

I tried to explain why I was late for work this morning, but my boss just turned a deaf ear to it.



43. talk untill one is blue in the face 长谈,谈得筋疲力尽

At the former classmates gathering on Spring Festival this year we talked so much untill we were all blue in the face.



44. make a difference 有区别,非同一般

As long as I can make good money, it doesn’t really make any difference where I work.



45. break down 变温和,软化,折服

My boss was very resistant to my opinion in the beginning but finally she broke down and took my advice,



46. put one’s best foot forward 展示某人长处,给人好印象

Though he tried to put his best foot forward at the job interview, he still failed to get it.



47. have a soft spot for 对 。。。偏爱,特别喜欢某物

He has a soft spot for KFC, but isn’t really interested in other western food.



48. in advance 事先,提前办某事

He got such high scores on the final that some of his classmates thought he might know the questions in advance.



49. settle up, pay off 付账,结清

He can’t use his credit card any more unless he settles up(pays off) his old bills.



50. make sure, be sure 确定,断定,确保

Make sure (be sure) to show up at the meeting on time otherwise the manager is going to have harsh words.



51. walk out on 舍弃,遗弃,离开

His wife finally walked out on him after three years of marriage.



52. see to something 确保 。。。,务必。。。

Please see to the turning off the lights before you leave the office.



53. warm up 预热

Our teacher often talks some funny stories when the class begins to warm up the classroom’s atmosphere.



54. pretty penny 很多钱

This new project will cost our boss pretty penny for sure, but he doesn’t care.



55. run into 达到,总共

The budget for new metro transportation system of the city will run into billions of dollars.



56. day in and day out 整天,起早摸黑

Don’t let your children watch TV day in and day out, it will hurt their health.



57. come off with flying color 出彩,大获成功

Look, she is so excited because her son came off with plying color at the school oral English contest.



58. do someone’s proud 使某人感到骄傲

It did her so proud to see her son showing up on the TV program.



59. take something for granted 视 。。。为理所当然,受之无愧

Don’t take the honor for granted, you have to work harder to prove it.



60. take one’s life 夺去某人生命

The big fire took this young firefighter’s life when he was performing his duty.



61. take … for … 误认 。。。为 。。。,将A错当成B

When he wolked into the office, everyone took him for their new boss.



62. at first glance 第一眼,乍看,一见

He felt in love with the girl at first glance.



63. tell … apart 分辨,区分

I don’t know which one of the twin sisters is older, I can’t tell them apart at all.

我不知道这对双胞胎姐妹谁大些, 我完全无法分辨她们。


64. run in the family 显示家庭特色

All my three daughters are beautiful and intelligent, I wish these traits run in my family.



65. go to one’s head 使 。。。自大,令 。。。忘乎所以

Nothing could go to his head since he is such a humble person.



66. paint the town red 全城狂欢,大肆庆祝

The winning at the World Cup game by national team made thousands of local people took to the streets and painted the town red over a night.



67. all of a sudden 立即,突然之间

I was walking on the street when all of a sudden someone robbed my handbag and ran away.



68. win … hands down 轻易获胜

He is such an intelligent student that wons the Provincial Math Contest hands down.



69. break even 取得平衡,不赢不输

Though business was getting better, since they had invested too much in the beginning, they found they only broke even by the end of the month.



70. have a bone to pick with 挑刺,对 。。。不满

I think she has just a bone to pick with you for your not showing up on time at work today.



71. not lift a finger 一点不帮忙

The old lady dropped her purse on the floor and could hardly bend over to pick it up, but this young man passing by didn’t even lift a finger.



72. thanks to 由于,归功于

Thanks to the teacher’s hard work in the past three years, three of her students were admitted to top universities in the country.



73. in the clouds 空想,想入非非,心不在焉

He could not help thinking about his new girlfriend and was often in the clouds during office hours.



74. go window shopping 逛商店

During Chinese New Year’s holiday my wife’s top favorite is to go window shopping in the city commercial center.



75. keep on 持续,不停地

I don’t understand why that woman kept on staring at me.



76. take one’s fancy 投合某人心意,吸引某人

That pretty girl really took his fancy, but he didn’t dare to speak to her.



77. throw in 额外奉送,附加 。。。

When the mobile phone store sold me a latest iPhone, they thrown in a calling card.



78. take it or leave it 要或不要,干脆接收或拒绝

This guy tried to bargin with me for my laptop to be sold, but I told him to take it or leave it with not a penny less any more.



79. four-letter word 航脏字眼

She told me that woman had quarreled with her and uesed a lot of four-letter words which were hard to reiterate..



80. so-called 所谓的,如此称呼的

The so-called English teacher wrote so many mistakes in English that students thought he must be a fake.




81. go from bad to worse 每况愈下,越来越不好

Even since the new policy was issued for weeks, economical situation has gong from bad to worse.



82. grow up 长大,成长起来

He is a young man now, but seems still not grown up and acts like a boy.



83. will thank you to 拜托你 。。。

I will thank you very much to take off your muddy shoes before entering my house.



84. how goes it 情况如何

How goes it about your business?



85. make an appearance, show up 出现,现身

When the famous movie star made an appearance at the party, everybody started shouting at her.


He didn’t show up today at the meeting.



86. in full swing 达到高潮

When he entered the grand dinning hall, the wedding ceremony was already in full swing.



87. go strong 保持旺盛,精力不减

The sales for houses in the new villa have been kept for weeks and are still going strong.



88. have a good time 玩得开心点

My friend seemed like that girl very much, so I said “Have a good time” then left.



89. be fresh out of 手头无货,供应完毕

The new wool coat was really good and cheap, but when I went to buy it the store was fresh out of it.



90. eating one 使某人不快

I don’t know what was eating her all day, but she appeared really unpatient today.




91. give one the cold shoulder 给人冷遇,对人冷淡

She walked into the room wearing a big smile, but everyone just gave her the cold shoulder.



92. at fault 错误,有错

After the safety accident everyone was arguing about who was at fault.



93. leave one along 让某人独处,不受打扰

I have to think of this matter over so please leave me alone.



94. blue 心情抑郁,愁眉苦脸,feel low 意志消沉,精神不振

My son was really blue (felt low) these days after he got bad score at the final not as expected.



95. lose oneself in 全身心,忘我投入

He loved his wife so much that after she died he had lost himself in the memorise of her for quite a long lime.



96. feel like a new man 精神焕发,焕然一新

A restful sleep after long time exausted work made him feel like a new man.



97. as luck would have it 幸运地,不幸地

As luck would have it, I found my iPhone which I lost yesterday.



98. turn up/down 把 。。。开大/关小

Please don’t turn up (please turn down) the music, I’m doing my homework.



99. make a hit 流行,受欢迎

Our new products really made a hit in the market.



100. on the tip of one’s tongue 话到嘴边,忘记,想不起来

I knew I met this guy before but his name was just on the tip of my tongue.




101. bug someone 烦扰,使某人恼怒

His little brother is always bugging him, especially when he is doing his homework.



102. early bird, morning 早起的人

The early bird would always have insects to eat.



103. wide awake 十分清醒,精神饱满

You must stay wide awake in his class otherwise you won’t be able to pass his exam.



104. make the most of 最大限度运用,充分利用

He has made the most of Wechat and got a lot of important information from it.



105. sleep in 睡过头,起得晚

She likes staying up late to watvh TV on Saturday night because she can sleep in without worry the next morning.



106. go over 走过去,完成

The company tried all ways to improve business situation but unfortunately it didn’t go over as expected.



107. to the point 切题,说到点子上

The presenter talked too much but nothing to the point.



108. go into depth 深入探讨、叙述

This article on today’s website really went into depth on the causes of the accident.



109. all in all 大体上,总的来说

He made some mistakes at the final exam, but all in all he did pretty well.



110. hit the spot 满足 。。。,正合意

After a long time of work underthe sunshine, a cup of ice-water really hits the spot.



111. drive one mad 令某人发疯, drive one crazy 令某人疯狂

Her incessant complaining drives me mad.


Watching the foot ball game drives him crazy.



112. cramp one’s style 限制某人发挥

He complained that bring his wife to the dance party really cramped his style.



113. no go 白费心机,事无结果

He was planning to study abroad in America, but since he had failed to pass the TOEFL test it was no go.



114. fill up 装满,填上,fill out 填写

He got no enough money to fill up the tank of his car.


Please fill out this application form.



115. fall through 终归失败,以失败告终

He has tried all his efforts to win this contest but it felt through.



116. blind date 初次约会,不认识男女的初次相亲

Arranged by my parents, I’ll have a blind date with a girl from my hometown this afternoon.



117. be bond to 肯定,确定

Since the meeting is so important, I suppose everyone is bond to attend it on time.



118. on purpose 故意,有目的的

This guy exaggerated it on purpose because he wanted to attract everyone in his group.



119. big baby 幼稚的人

He is just like a big baby since he has done so many foolish things.



120. put someone down 羞辱,轻视,看低某人

One thing he hates most is there is someone putting him down in front of a lot of people.



121. in keeping with 合乎(传统) 。。。顺应 。。。

He put a big red sign of Chinese fortune character “福” at the front door of his house in keeping with Chinese new year’s tradition.



122. feel like doing 想做

What I really feel like doing at this time is to take three days off my work for a personal trip.



123. catch someone or something 见某人或某事

I’ll catch you some other day to talk more about this issue.



124. few and far between 稀少难求

I sometimes feel that the real friends I can find in this world are really few and far between.



125. for the birds 毫无价值,愚蠢

This new couple are typical DINK and always say that having children is just for the birds.



126. get a kick out of 激发起兴趣,获得快乐

He got a kick out of the WeChat communications with friends and strangers when first uesed it.



127. nothing doing 不行,行不通

I asked him nicely if I can use his mobile phone, but he said: “Nothing doing!”



128. on no account 任何情况下都不

On no account would I go further to cooperate with this guy.



129. don one’s part 尽应尽的责任

At the company’s meeting our GM asked everybody seriously to do his or her part during the promotional campaign.



130. large order 困难的任务

To complete such a big job in a short period of time is really a large order.



131. part with 放弃,离开

After three years love journey, I finnally parted with her.



132. out of the question, no problem 没问题,毫无疑问,绝对

Out of the question that we are going to place an order with you next week.



133. hard pressed 拮据,缺钱用

The new couple was so hard pressed that they even couldn’t pay next month rent.



134. prey on one’s mind 使人苦恼,心事重重

The national college entrance exam is coming soon and it has been preying on his mind every day.



135. make a point of 懂得,了解

People don’t like her because she never makes a point of greeting colleagues when entering the office.



(to be continued)







