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日期:2016/1/31 12:22:54 人气:6301











主编:John Y

2016年4月 苏州


iCanSay International Engish Training Center








               目    录



1. MY HONEYMOON TRIP TO TAILAND     我的泰国蜜月之旅------2

2. A CAR ACCIDENT                    车祸------4

3. MY WEDDING CEREMONY                我的婚礼------5

4. MY DOUGHTER                       我的女儿------7

5. MATCH-MAKING TV PROGRAM           电视相亲节目------8

6. THE CRAZY MONTH OF JANUARY          疯狂的一月------9


8. HAPPINESS                        关于幸福-----12

9. SAFETY ACCIDENT                      安全事故-----13



11. THE THIEF ON A BUS       公交车上的小偷-----16

12. MY DAILY WORK                 我的日常工作-----18





Selected student composition: My Honeymoon Trip to Thailand 《我的泰国蜜月之旅》

Student name: Christine Xu 

Employer:  American Co 

Position: Senior Purchase Supervisor  

Time of writing: Aug, 2006 

Teacher’s grading: A+, outstanding 




                   My Honeymoon Trip to Thailand

                            By Christine Xu

                                 Aug, 2006



It was in the year of 2002, the next day after I got married. My husband and I decided to fly to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, to spend our eight-day’s honeymoon. That was our first trip by air and we found it so exciting.


It took us five hours to get to Bangkok from Shanghai. When we arrived at the airport, it was two o’clock after midnight. The outdoor temperature was 40 degree Celsius, and it was very humid.


When we got on a luxury coach with the famous-brand of Benz to the hotel, two tour guides met us. They were all Chinese Thai, very kind and speaking Chinese very fluently. They told us if we could put 20 Baht (Thai currency) under the pillow every morning before leaving the hotel, our room would have been kept clean all the time. The five-star hotel was large, nice and we enjoyed it very much.


That morning we visited Bangkok Grand Palace, one of the most splendid complexes in the country. It was said that the outside walls of all buildings were made of gold and colorful glaze. Now, the King of Thailand is still living in there.


In the evening we went to the well-known Thai show. It was a special performance, because all performers were shemales. They looked very beautiful even more than women, and also danced very well. But when they spoke out, we could hear their lower male’s voice. They were all very open and kind and the native people called them “another sort of women”.


In Bangkok we could eat various kinds of fruits, very delicious and cheap. There was only one thing we couldn’t stand, that was the smell of perfume through out the air, the rooms and the foods.


The next morning we got up at six o’clock. We were going to one of the most famous beaches in Thailand– Battaya Beach.


On the way to the beach I noticed that in the coach the driver’s seat was at the right side. In Thailand the traffic rules require vehicles running on the left side of the roads. It was the same as in Hong Kong but different from in our country.


Our tour guides taught us a few words of Thai. “Good morning” in Thai is “KA WA LI CA”, and “KA WA LI COM”. If you are a woman you should say “KA WA LI CA”, otherwise you should say “KA WA LI COM”. In Thailand people call “Mister” “PI PI”. If your last name is Zhang, they call you “Zhang Pi Pi” or “Pi Zhang”. They call a beautiful woman “SHUI JIN JIN”. If you call a native lady “SHUI JIN JIN”, she would be overjoyed. 


The tour guides also told us when people say “it’s time to sing”, you should be careful because that means “it’s time to pee”. This was quite interesting. At last it took us about three hours to travel from Bangkok to Battaya by coach.


What a beautiful beach! Walking on the beach was like a dream when we saw the sea and sands surrounding us. The water was so clean and blue like crystal; the sands were so bright and tiny like salt. We also saw many corals and grass floating on the water. To our regret, neither my husband nor I was able to swim. The only thing we could do was to put on our swimsuits and take lots of pictures around the beach.


Later on we got on a speed boat. Our tour guides warned us that people easy to get seasick should sit in the stern. Finally we landed on a small island after fifteen minutes riding.


Many tourists went to play parachutes which were linked to the boats by strings. When a boat was on sailing, the player would be flying high to the sky then suddenly falling down into the water in a few seconds. When they returned to the boat their clothes were soaked. My husband and I had also tried. It was the most exciting game we had ever experienced.


In the rest days we visited many beautiful places. We had witnessed the mummy of the Buddhist monk whose hair was still growing. We had seen many shows such as Elephant’s Show and Crocodile’s Show, where one elephant carried us for a walk. We went to the Fruits Garden and ate fresh fruits picked up with our own hands.


During these days the travel services in Thailand gave us deep impression. Both the tour guides and coach driver were professional and responsible. Our coach driver had never been changed during the trip, and he had been staying in his driver’s cabinet days and nights.  


Though our honeymoon trip to Thailand has passed for four years, we still memorized it so well just like it was happening yesterday. We really expect that we may travel to this wonderful land one more time.





Selected composition: A Car Accident 《车祸》

Student name: Rex Chen

Position: Production Technician

Time of writing: Dec 2006

Teacher’s grading: A, Excellent



                           A Car Accident

                                    By Rex Chen

                                 Dec, 2006



Do you have experience with car accident? Most people have it only in TV or movies. But I had encountered it on Sept.26 of this year.


First of all, I’d like to talk something about my car. I bought a car in March this year, which brand is Focus and belongs to the Ford family. This type of American car was a new arrival. Since I got it I was so cautious to drive it. I've been really treasuring it as my second wife. You may feel that how deeply I loved it, and that it is my pride,


It was on Wednesday, Sept 26th, I took the morning shift in my company. At 5:40am I drove my Focus to work as usual. My home is nearby Loufeng Town Center. It is 20 kilometers from my home to the company. Half an hour later I would sit behind my desk, I thought.


I drove the car straight alone Jichang Road, turned left at the cross of Xinhua Street, then kelp on driving. It was too early, and the streets were void. Suddenly, I saw an elderly man crossing the road. Even today I still couldn’t think about why it had happened. Maybe it was the God’s will.


Since my car was running at 100 km/h, it was impossible for me to make a sudden stop. What could I do? I could have hit the old man then it would have put me into big trouble, and I would have had nightmare every day.


So I had no choice but to turn my car to the roadside. It was just in a second that the front shield window of my car was broken up and I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t know what had happened but smelt a special gas. When I returned to consciousness I found my car upside down and I could merely pull myself out of the broken window.


At fist I checked my body. Fortunately there was no serious injury. I could walk and jump. Then I checked my car. Oh, my god! The air bag was broken out. All window glasses were broken too. Two front lights were separated. Three trees were hit bent by my car. I thought if there were no air bag, I would have died immediately at scene.


I called 110 and my car insurance agency as well. Soon the traffic policeman arrived, and my insurance agent came too. At last the broken car was towed away to the shop for repairing. I thought I was lucky enough to be still living in the world. The air bag in front of me had saved my ass, for I didn’t use the safety belt.


This accident has cost me more than 90,000 RMB for car repairing. The amount of money is enough to buy a new car.


From this accident, I have learned three things for driving:

1.      Use the safety belt whenever I am in a car.

2.      Keep 100% cautious whenever I am driving.

3.      Keep in speed-limit even I am driving under a good traffic condition.






Selected composition: My Wedding Ceremony 《我的婚礼》

Student name: Cathy Wu

Employer: Solutia (American)

Position: HR Supervisor

Time of writing: Dec, 2007

Teacher’s grading: A, Excellent



                        My Wedding Ceremony

                                 By Cathy Wu

                              Dec. 2007



My hubby and I were university classmates. It was lucky for us to get to know each other during that period of time. After a four-year love journey, we finally went to the red carpet on Oct. 20th, 2007. It was such a joyful and fulfilled experience.


The wedding ceremony was held at Nanyuan Guest House, a four star hotel in Xiangcheng District of Suzhou, not far from my home. We set 15 tables in a large dinning-hall, inviting our family members, relatives, friends and colleagues to come. We also asked a wedding agency to beautify it.


The ceremony started at 6:18 pm. The emcee, a gentle man who was hosting the wedding, gave a short speech at the beginning. He directed the groom to come over to the stage, asked him: “Who do you want to see at this moment?” The groom answered: “My bride.” At this moment, a waiter opened the door and I came in with graceful music, all spotlights focused at me.


I found the dinning hall was dark, only the candles on each table were shining brightly. Everybody was staring at me. It was very exciting and romantic.


I stepped up to the stage with my groom. Then under the instruction of emcee we lighted the wedding candles and poured the wine. It was also very challenging because we needed to put our hands together to finish it.


Then we changed our finger rings, at that moment the cool projector lamp were lightening. With the congratulations words from all corners it was the most exciting moment during our wedding. My groom and I then also joined the dinner tables.


The wedding ceremony was an unforgettable and most important event in our life. We were happy to receive so many wonderful congratulations, and also full of enthusiasm with our new life.






Selected composition: My Daughter《我的女儿》

Student name: Lixian Tian

Employer: Nypro (American)

Time of writing: May 2010

Teacher’s grading: A, Excellent




My Daughter

By Lixian Tian

May, 2010


If anyone asks me who I love most in the world, I would definitely say it is my daughter. As a matter of fact, I love my daughter so much because she is lovely, so cute, so clever and sometimes a little naughty.


My daughter was born on February 7th, 2008. Now she is two years old. She looks like her father.


She is very cute. She gives seats to guests and neighbors initiatively when they come to visit my home. Sometimes if a visitor doesn’t pay attention to her, she would be muttering and clapping her small hands on the seat. After the visitor takes the seat, she will take a glass of water to the guest to drink. She also gives snacks and fruits to the guest to eat.


She is clever. She learns things quickly. When she hears music on, she cannot help singing and dancing. And this brings us a lot of joys. When she watches us doing housework, she tries to help do the same things too and does it very well.


She is naughty too. When she is eating her favorite food, she likes to finish them up, otherwise she would cry. She also pesters to play hiding-and-finding with me when I come home to see her. In fact, I like playing with her.


I love my daughter very much. She is the most important person in my life. She is a little angel in our family. Although my husband and I have to leave her in my hometown to be taken care of by my mother-in-law, I miss her all the time and go back to visit her often.


Now we are planning to meet my daughter and my mother-in-law in Changshu nearby Suzhou next month, and I sure will give her all my love when she arrives.






Selected composition: Match-making TV Programs《电视相亲节目》

Student name: Bruce Cheng

Employer: Canadian Solar (Canadian)

Position: Production Engineer

Time of writing: June 2010

Teacher’s grading: A, Excellent



Match-Making TV Programs

By Bruce Cheng

June, 2010



Several days ago I heard my colleagues talking about something when I punched out from the 7th Module Plant of our company. Some words like Yan Fengjiao attracted my attention. “Who is Yan Fengjiao?” I asked.


“You don’t know Yan Fengjiao? You will get it if you search the internet.” One of my colleagues said to me with a mysterious smile.


After searched for Yan Fengjiao from internet, I found that this was one of the lady guests on Jiangsu Satellite TV program called “Feicheng Wurao” , in English translation: “Don’t bother if no sincerity” or ”If you are the one”, and was known for her Toilet Gate Pictures.


In fact, such match-making TV shows existed in our country long time ago. Maybe because there was too much monotone, it didn’t make much influence on the audiences and disappeared from the stages shortly.


Recently, these kinds of programs came back and turned out to be very popular, such as Let’s Date on Hunan Satellite TV and Don’t Bother if No Sincerity on Jiangsu Satellite TV. They copied some of the American and Taiwan shows, having dozens of unmarried ladies as guests and stay on the stage together. They also let a single man walk up to the stage as a candidate to bid for the marriage partner of one of these ladies, who would listen to this guy’s introduction about himself and ask him various questions to judge if this guy meets her demand, from living habits to abilities, or from income to personal assets. There was one after another man showing off on the stage until he was lucky enough to hold one of these guest ladies’ hands to leave successfully.


Nowadays these types of programs show strong attractions and are welcomed by many young people. There are several reasons. Firstly, the form of this program is very novel. With a number of pretty and smart young ladies on the stage it attracts eyes very much. Secondly, it reverses some of our old traditions, such as letting a male, the social ruler, be selected by females like an animal. Lastly, the words by these lady guests were very extreme, challenging and full of controversy, such as “I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bike”. With such kind of shocking presentations, no matter agree or disagree, you couldn’t forget them easily. Therefore, these types of Match Making TV program are becoming more and more popular in China.


Presently, these types of programs have been regulated by authorities because of its too much money talking involved.


In spite of negative effects, these programs have positive sides, which give ordinary people a stage to show off themselves. If we must shut down all such kinds of programs, then what programs could we watch on TV?  






Selected composition: the Crazy Month of January 《疯狂的一月》

Student name: Lisa Yang

Position: Accounting Specialist

Time of writing: Feb, 2012

Teacher’s grading: A, Excellent



                       The Crazy Month of January

                                  By Lisa Yang

                                   Feb, 2012



Since the end of Dec.2011, to prepare for the auditing in Jun of 2012, I had been working overtime on weekends. Actually, I had only one day off on the New Year’s Day holiday.


On the 9th of January the auditing guys from KPMG came to our company, carrying out heavy luggage and other stuffs, to kick off the audit for a period of one week. 


That time, my major responsibility was to take care of the bank balance and some cash issues, and to fill out the paper forms for the account balance by the end of the year of our ten key suppliers.


For bank balance I should provide the balance paper of 2010 and 2011 to KMPG staff. Then they would write a letter of confirmation request to the bank for this information. For cash issue I should provide them with a cash calculating form bearing a company’s stamp.


I spent a lot of time filling out our ten suppliers’ payment forms, matching the suppliers with the payment request bills in our hand, attaching relevant invoices No and amounts paid, and filling in the dates of payment, checking to see if they complied with the due dates.


One week of the busy work on auditing passed quickly. After that the account period of Dec 2011 closed and the new account package for Jan 2012 opened. We had entered a new round of busy work in a new year. As Spring Festival holiday would be arriving by the early end of January, I had to speed up and work overtime again to finish up most of my job before then.


Due to the tight up of cash flow, many of our suppliers urged us to pay off the goods delivered, meanwhile many of our customers had delayed their payment to us, and our major annual tax payment was due at this time too. All of these factors had caused a difficulty for the company to pay our employees’ salary of January.


Fortunately, this problem was solved through the early payment by our HK Company. I heard that some companies especially of IT industry in SND were unable to pay their employees this year for the similar reasons. I felt like the financial crises in 2008 came back again.





Student name: Jasmine Hu

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Expeditor Specialist

Time of writing: July, 2014

Teacher’s rating: A+, Outstanding



Treasure What We Already Have

By Jasmine Hu

July 4, 2014



I often think that I am a lucky girl. There are six people in my family, including my parents, elder brother, elder sister, younger brother and me. It was very hard for my parents to raise four children in the past. However, they never gave up, especially my mother.


They tried their best to let us receive higher education. Actually only a few parents in my village could make it. Since most families could only support no more than two children to go to school, if with more than two, these parents usually let one of them drop off from the school,  leaving opportunities of higher education to the other children who were showing good learning skills, or just to the boys even poor at study. This was because most parents in my hometown, like in other countryside of China, had the traditional male-priority view at that time. Therefore, I always appreciate my parents for what they have done for me, and that I am lucky enough to be born in the world.


I have many good friends and teachers from my primary school time to today, and now we still keep in close touch. They always convey kindness, encouragement, love & smile to me through little things. These things make me feel optimistic, positive and energetic, and like to smile. We often share happiness and sadness with each other, and also talk about future development of our life and career. I believe that people I’ve met or will meet are in my destiny, and things I’ve encountered or will encounter are of my destiny too.


Therefore I cherish what I have at this moment, and always have a feeling of satisfaction. In other words, I believe in a Chinese old saying: ‘People satisfied with what they already have will always feel happy’.


Life is short and beautiful. Family ties, friendship, love, smile and so on, are our treasures in the world. I would like to show my gratefulness to these treasures and to everyone here today.






Selected composition 2: The Happiness 《关于幸福》

Student name: Very Wang

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Accounting Specialist

Time of writing: Aug, 2014

Teacher’s grading: A, Excellent



The Happiness

By Vera

Aug 15, 2014



What is happiness? There are no certain definitions or answers. Happiness may be a state of mind or feeling characterized by love, wellbeing, satisfaction, pleasure, and so on.


To some sense, happiness can be really simple. We may feel happy by winning a match, getting higher grade in exam, or just staying with our loved ones like children, etc. However, as far as people’s whole life is concerned, the interpretation of happiness becomes much more complicated.


We are involved in various kinds of situations in our life, and some of them may not be constructive to happiness. In fact we may choose to or not to think about the unhappy things. All of us should go through different situations or experiences, positive or negative, but the best way is to choose not let the negative situations or experiences influence our behaviors and feelings.


Nowadays our modern economy develops rapidly. As a result of our everyday changing life, some people don't feel happy when gaining more wealth which seems always no ends towards their objectives. For example, many people want to owe more money, but they still feel unhappy once they have got it. Maybe they don’t know how to enjoy what they have obtained.


However, it is truly impossible for us to stay happy in all life courses because there are always things that make us feel unhappy. For example, sickness, disasters, hardships, poverty, etc. We should think of solutions rather than give up or make problems when facing unhappy things. We should keep optimistic. Optimism can make us healthier, more capable and always feel happy towards life.


One way to stay in happiness is trying to enjoy what we already have, or like a Chinese saying: “Person satisfied with what he has already have is always feeling happy”(知足者常乐). It's easy for us to overlook the pleasure what we have got from love and being loved, the company of family and friends, freedom to live, and even good health.


All in all, happiness is the goal of our life. We can get more and more happiness easily if we are always sharing wellbeing with people, helping others, being satisfied with what we have. In my opinion, happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. Just enjoy our life, happiness is everywhere.





Selected composition: Safety Accident 《安全事故》

Student name: William Kong

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Sourcing Engineer

Time of writing: Aug, 2014

Teacher’s grading: A, Excellent



Safety Accident

By William Kong

Aug, 2014



Last Sunday, 2nd Aug, was the Chinese Valentine's Day. However, after listening to the morning news, I was shocked by a tragedy event happened in Kunshan City. It was a dust-explosion accident in the workshop of a Taiwanese company doing the aluminum polishing. 75 workers died, over 180 workers were injured, and more than 200 families were broken up by the accident. It was the biggest human disaster during these days of the year.


According to the further survey, it is clear that this was a safety accident caused by ignoring of production safety management. I also recalled the petroleum line explosion in Qingdao last November, which had taken 62 lives.


As we know now China is the 2nd largest economy in the world. However, our safety control in many areas is getting worse. Some factories haven’t built up safety production management system. The Kunshan accident has once again given us a bloody lesson.


I have seen a slogan saying: “Safety is the largest wealth and accident is the largest waste in the world”. And some safety accidents could be avoided if we did well in safety control. These are not natural disasters, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood and so on, but the kind of disasters that we can control and avoid.


Nearly all the un-safety accidents were caused by negligence. We must pay more attention to its details.


Firstly, each production step should follow all rules and regulations strictly, this is the primary requirement. If we can keep everything under control, the safety accident happening probability can be limited to none or minimum.


What’s more, we need to raise our safety consciousness, pay more attention to potential safety hazards and risks such as when turning off lights, air conditioning, fans and equipments when leaving office or working places.


Lastly but not the least, we should conduct more safety education and training, teaching workers basic escape skills from accidents, and build up the a better working environment, help with each other in our daily life.


Finally, we should take our goodwill on safety issues into actions with every small step. This should not be just stopped in our mouths, and it is the only way to eliminate most, if not all, major safety accidents.





Selected composition: Trust Makes the World More Beautiful 《信任使世界更美丽》

Student name: Lisa Xia

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Financial Specialist

Time of writing: Sep, 2014

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



Trust Makes the World More Beautiful

By Lisa Xia

Sept 17, 2014



What was trust between people like decades ago? Following are something I recalled.


In memorize of my previous time, I used to live in another apartment building. At that time my daughter always played games with her little friends from neighbors. After finished playing she often had lunch or dinner at neighbor’s home, or sometimes vise versa. And we young adults would enjoy a cup of tea while chatting with each other. In case it might rain and I were going out, I could leave the key to neighbors and they would help put away my clothes outside when it suddenly rained. These things were very common during that time, because there were trust between people.


Time flies, people are still the same but trust no longer exists. The relationship between people has changed. They seem like strangers to each other, don’t know who live the next door, how many people are of their neighbors, and never say a word as simple as “hello” to others.


Then what has caused people to become colder to each other?  I think it is the trust lost.


What is trust?  In my point of view, trust refers to believe and dare to entrust. To trust each other bases on the value of giving and returning unselfishly among people, it is not related to materials like money, but the sincerity of love to each other, and it may take years to accumulate. Since nowadays many young people have lost the value of unselfishness and become too materialized, they often want to get more but not to give more, that hurts the feeling of love between each other. As a result, people tend not to trust others, some people even never trust anyone else throughout their lives.


If we dare not to trust others who are worth to be trusted, we can never experience the sweetness of love and the warmth of the world, and our life will become bleak.


People, each of us human beings, are thought to be lonely and shattered living in this world. Everyone should adapt into the boundless universe and sentient beings every day actively, consciously and passionately, to trust and to understand each other, among colleagues and friends.


Furthermore, if one person is totally out of the real world and the colorful communities, what he/she could meet is not the life of Sun vigor but the death of helplessness. Our world and communities will become vigor, have the feeling of sunshine, be up forward and full of dynamic and variety of beauty, all are because of the people and their involvement. At the same time, trust and understanding will make people more self-confident, their mood more peaceful, their steps more firm, their goals more clear, and their business and everything in life more beautiful. Trust and understanding will bring the most beautiful smile, the most exuberant and the youngest friendship to you and your loved ones.


Let's have sincere love to friends, to relatives, to everyone with all the trust and understanding. It is not a difficult thing. We should change our society back to trust and understanding by ourselves through little things, such as saying “hi” to neighbors in the morning or smile to people in public places, and show more trust to others. This way we will find our world more harmonious.






Selected composition: The Thief on a Bus《公交车上的小偷》

Student name: Tiger Huang

Employer: 亿和精密工业(苏州)有限公司 (Hong Kong)

Time of writing: Jun 25, 2015

Teacher’s grading: A, Excellent



The Thief on a Bus

By Tiger Hu

June 23th, 2015



I had a bad day today, because I was late for work. In my company staffs are allowed to be late for work no more than twice a month, otherwise will be punished by Admin Department. Unfortunately, this was my third time to be late. That's really troubled me a lot. But nobody would believe this was caused by a thief on the bus.


I got up around 6:15 in the morning as usual. When I got off the metro line 1 at Xihuan Road station, it was only 7:10. Then I transferred to bus 323, it would take at most 30 minutes for me to get to my company.


Everything seemed going smoothly. The bus arrived at 7:15 and then ran stop by stop. Time was enough since my office hour would begin at 8:00 am. When the bus stopped at a crossroad waiting for the traffic light, I didn't realized that something strange had happened until all the vehicles began to move except my one. I guessed there might be some problem with the bus but it would continue to move on soon.


But five minutes after the bus still didn't move and the passengers in the back of the bus began to get upset:

"What has happened!"

"Why isn' t the bus moving?”

“We’ll be late for work!"

“Driver, could you open the door please! We’d get off!”. 


At that moment, the driver made an announcement with a loudspeaker:

" Everyone be quiet please! There is a thief in the bus! And this old man has lost his money and mobile phone, so nobody is allowed to get off, sorry! We are waiting for the policemen to come.".


How come? And I thought I must be late for work! But I could do nothing but to wait, or even spend the whole day in a police station.


As time went on some passengers became impatient. They knocked and kicked the door yelling up:

"Open the door, we are going to be late for work! And we are not the thief , we got on the bus earlier than the old man. He must be stolen at the moment of getting on the bus. The thief mustn’t be in the bus now!"


But the old man didn’t want to give in, instead he insisted that the all passengers wait for the policemen.


At last, the policemen came. They asked the old man how much money he had been stolen. At first the old man said he had lost 100 yuan, but after a while he changed it to 10,000 yuan, and he said he had lost his bankbook too.


After asking the driver for a few questions, the policemen took the old man into the police car and the bus moved on again. We were all set free!


After all I thought perhaps the old man was too old to remember something, because he was even not sure weather he had brought money with him or not. Maybe we should forgive him for his poor memory. But I was indeed late for work. And there would be an even worse thing: I should be punished by my company for late work!





Selected composition: My Daily Work 《我的日常工作》

Student name: Emily Shu

Company: HALDEX (Swedish)

Time of writing: Jan 14, 2016

Teacher’s grading: A, excellent



My Daily Work

By Emily Shu

Jan. 14, 2016




I am a warehouse keeper in Logistic Department of Haldex. My major responsibility is to handle the receiving work at Axapta System.


Every morning I leave home around 7:50 and ride E-bike to work. It takes about 30 minutes for me to arrive at the company. Before 8:30 I screen in and walk through the workshop to my office. After entering the office, I change my cloth to work uniform and shoes as usual, put my handbag into the drawer of my desk then turn on my computer.


I attend a short meeting with my colleagues and supervisors at 8:30. We discuss and solve the issues the day before at the meeting, then put forward some new issues. The meeting lasts for about 15 minutes, then I sit behind my desk around 9.


I check all the shipping work the day before, sort out the shipment documents, then walk through the workshop again and go upstairs to hand them to financial department. After returning from there, I begin to do system accounts, my colleague will give me a list of materials which they have delivered to the production line. I transfer the materials from our warehouse to product line at Axapta system, it takes more than one hour to finish.


I take a rest for 10 minutes at around 10:15, then copy the shipments to Excel on the day at Axapta system. Then I mail out all the sales orders, print out all the delivery notes and packing lists. If any materials are short, I send E-mails to related personnel to inform them, because I need to make sure that the goods can be delivered on the day.


I put the printed delivery notes and packing lists on my desk, another warehouse keeper will take them from my desk to prepare the goods for delivering.after lunch.


I usually have lunch at 11:30. I take a rest after lunch, read some news or chat with friends on my iphone. I start to work at 12:30, do some other posting at Axapta system, such as finished products, posting the purchase orders of receiving and so on.


Sometimes I receive and make many phone calls. To check the E-mails in time is very important, since more E-mails of sales orders will come in the afternoon, and some of them need to be replied immediately. In complex cases that I can’t make decisions, I usually report them to my supervisor directly.

