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英语培训学员英语习作选:《我典型的一天工作》A tipical day of my routine work

日期:2016/1/20 11:28:03 人气:2486




外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: A Typical Day of My Routine Work


Student name: Jerry Wang

Company: HALDEX(Swedish)

Time of writing: Jan 18, 2016

Teacher’s rating: A/excellent




A Typical Day of My Routine Work

(Part One)

By Jerry Wang

Jan 14, 2016



As presenting in the class, I 'v been working in quality department at HALDEX for more than 9 years. I am really grateful that I could have worked in a foreign company for so many years, since I have always been experiencing that HALDEX is not only just a source you can make money from, but also a big warm family you can live in. Therefore, I appreciate my chance of work here, and do my best with my quality responsibilities. Below is a detailed description about my busy schedule on 14th of Jan, 2016, which is just a typical day of my everyday work at HALDEX.


Since HALDEX is only 5 km away from my home, I don't need to get up earlier in the morning and to spend much time on the way to work. I leave home at 8am and arrive at company 10 minutes later by driving, then I park my car in front of the office building and go upstairs to my work cubicle. After turning on my laptop on the desk, I walk to the lounge room to get a cup of coffee as usual.


I start my work at 8:15am. From 8:15 to 8:30 I check emails from my foreign colleagues or suppliers, mark down some of the emails which I need to reply to or to confirm with later on. For most of them I just take a quick look.


I walk downstairs at 8:30 to have a LDMS meeting with my measurement team, which includes inspectors, a technician and an engineer for machining process control. I listen to their daily reports if there are any problems with machining process in the last three shifts, and ask if there are any difficult issues that they cannot deal with or want to get supports from me.  


After the meeting, I attend another LDMS in workshop with a group of guys from production, engineering, maintenance departments called PST (Production Specialist Team). Firstly, we review the First Time Pass Rate and Scrap Rate of machining processes in the past 24 hours of production. Fortunately, all KPIs are fine and have reached targets. Secondly, we review the tracking logs of continues improvement activities which are decided and arranged for some of the related team members and require that each progress be introduced by its owner in this meeting. We finish it at 9am.


After a break of 10 minutes, I take a walk around the workshop with my production supervisor. It is also a kind of company’s culture in HALDEX called Go & See that advocates the staff, if they have any free time, go to workshop to learn about what we are producing, or any questions from operators that we can have a quick response or give a hand to them at site. 


Then I walk back to my desk at 9:20am, make a simple daily work plan and write it down at my notebook after checking my schedule.


At 11:15am I have a department LDMS with quality colleagues in manager’s office.


At 11:35am I walk to company’s dinning hall for lunch.


