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美国流行笑话连载 American Pop-jokes Series

日期:2015/12/26 17:01:01 人气:5583


American Pop-jokes Series




                  1. I got the job



I applied for a job as an insurance salesperson. Where the form requested “prier experience,” I wrote “lifeguard.” That was it.  “We are looking for someone who cannot only sell insurance, but who can sell himself,” said the hiring manager. “How does working as a lifeguard pertain to salesmanship?” “I couldn’t swim,” I replied.  I got the job.





    我申请一份保险销售工作。在申请表“以前工作经历”一栏,我填上了“救生员”,就这么简单。招聘方经理说:“我们找的人不但要能卖保险,而且要能卖他自己。当过救生员与销售员有什么相干呢?”我回答说:“我不会游泳。” 我被聘用了。




                        2. Translation not found.


I returned from Russia after living there for nearly two years. My sister decided to surprise me by creating “welcome home” signs in Russian. She went to a website that offered translations,and printed the translated phrase onto cardboards. When I got off the plane, I saw my whole family, excitedly waving colored cardboards. My sister gave me a big hug, and pointed proudly to her creations. ”Isn’t it great?” she said, “Bet you didn’t think I knew any Russian.” I admitted that I was indeed surprised—the signs actually said: “Translation not found.”








3. A small trick


All I wanted was to pay for some batteries, but none of the clerks in thr electronics store seemed interested in helping me. I got an idea, and pulled a tape measure out of my pocket. I stepped over to one of the giant plasmascreen TVs and started to measure it. Faster than you can say high definition, a young man came running over. “May I help you?” he asked breathlessly. “Yes,” I said “I’d like to buy these batteries.”









4. Another small trick



Mike was a frequent user of a pay telephone at a popular truck stop, and was greatly inconvenienved when the phone went out of commission. Repeated request for repair brought only promise. After several days, Mike again contacted the phone company and told them there was no longer a rush. The phone was now working fine … except that all the money was being returned upon completion of each call. A repairman arrived within an hour.









5. Not your own food


Two guys walk into a bar and sit down to eat their lunches. The bartender says, “Sorry, but you can’t eat your own food in here.” The two guys look at each other then swap lunches.









6. Not my daughter


A large truck was tailing my teenage son as he drove through twon with his female classmate. The truck matched them turn for turn, down every street. It pulled next to him at a light. The menacing-looking driver leaned out his window and glared into his car. After a long, hard stare, the man grinned and yelled to his co-worker. “That’s not my daughter!”






7. Obedience


“Could we reschedule our tennis match?” My friend asked. “I have to take my dogs to the obedience school in the morning.” ”Obedience school?” I answerd. “What if they don’t want to go?”


驯  服


    “我们能不能改一下网球比赛的时间?”我的朋友问我, “早上我必须带我的狗去上驯服课。” “驯服课?”我问,“如果它们不肯去怎么办?”



8. More than a dozen


Paul has a lot of kids—nine to be exact. Flying to a business meeting, he was chatting with his seatmate about family and was supprised to hear the man say: “I wish I had nine kids. “You don’t really know what you’re wishing for,” Paul cautioned.“Yes, I do,” came the reply. “I have thirteen.”










9. Not a good name


A woman at the mall was giving away free kittens, I picked up a cute black and white one. “I called him Prince,” she told me. That’s a dumb name for a cat, I thougt. When I got him home, I immediately changed it to “the Kitten formerly known as Prince.”









10. Who should change


A collecting service company recently launched an 800 number that was identical to mine. Since then I was getting swamped with wrong calls. When I called the company, they told me to get a new number. “I’ve had mine for twenty years,” I pleaded. “Couldn’t you change yours?” They refused. So I said, “Fine. From now on I’m going to tell everyone who calls that their bill is paid in full.“ The company got a new number the next day.









11. Blind submission


I was driving in the procession to the cemetery for a distant relative’s funeral. “Since we don’t really know any body, do you want to just head home?” I asked my wife. When she nodded, I made a U-turn. I looked in the mirror and found the rest of the procession was still following.



                              盲  从 





12. Can pilots fly?



The Great Lakes Laboratory employed a licensed boat captain for its research vessel. It was common knowledge that the captain couldn’t swim. When new comers learned of this, they would often approach him about it. “Is it true? You, a boat captain, can’t swim?””No, I can’t!” he replied. “Can pilots fly?”








13. Told you so


On my way to deliver a computer to my customer, I saw a hand written sign at the entrance of an alley. It read: “Blocked! Can not pass! Difficult to turn back.” I continued anyway, only to discover that the alley was indeed blocked by a fallen tree. As predicted, it took a while to turn the truck around. When I finally got to the entrance, I noticed a second sign. It read: “Told you so!”








14. Shave my head


A man walked into my barbershop asking how much for a haircut. “Eight dollars,” I answered. “And for a shave?” “Five dollars” “Alright,” he said, settling into the barber chair. “Shave my head.”








15. Here comes my neighbor


There’s this drunk standing out on the street corner. Anda cop passes by and says, “What do you think you’re doing?” The drunk says, “I heard the world goes around every 24 hours, and I’m waiting on my house. Won’t be long now, here comes my neighbor.”








16. The eighth symptom


Hypochondriac that I am. I constantly log on to the Internet to self dignose my latest ailment. But even I knew it was time to lighten up the day I typed in the key words liver disorders. That led me to a medical site. With growing alarm I realized I had each of the first seven symptoms.Then I came to No.8 and suddenly felt much better:”Feeling of lethargy. Nolonger enjoys romping and wegging tail.”










17. It’s three o’clock


My wife has always been impressed by my ability to identify bird species by its song. To help her learn a little bit about birds, I bought a novety kitchen clock that sounds different bird call for each hour. We were relaxing in our yard when a cardinal started singing. “What’s that?” I challenged. She listened closely, “It’s three o’clock.”







18. Good news and bad news


The paster of my church hates to plead for money. But when the coffers were running low, he had no choice. “There’s good news and there’s bad news,” he told the congregation. “The good news is that we have more than enough money for all the current and future needs of the parish. The bad news is, it’s still in your pockets.”






