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美国流行笑话连载1:《我被聘用了》I got the job.《翻译没找到》Translationound not f

日期:2015/12/3 14:00:00 人气:2342



American Pop-jokes Series 1,2




                              1. I got the job



I applied for a job as an insurance salesperson. Where the form requested “prier experience,” I wrote “lifeguard.” That was it.  “We are looking for someone who cannot only sell insurance, but who can sell himself,” said the hiring manager. “How does working as a lifeguard pertain to salesmanship?” “I couldn’t swim,” I replied.  I got the job.





    我申请一份保险销售工作。在申请表“以前工作经历”一栏,我填上了“救生员”,就这么简单。招聘方经理说:“我们找的人不但要能卖保险,而且要能卖他自己。当过救生员与销售员有什么相干呢?”我回答说:“我不会游泳。” 我被聘用了。




                        2. Translation not found.


I returned from Russia after living there nearly two years. My sister decided to surprise me by creating “welcome home” signs in Russian. She went to a website that offered translations,and prited the translated phrase onto cardboards. When I got off the plane, I saw my whole family, excitedly waving colored cardboards. My sister gave me a big hug, and pointed proudly to her creations. ”Isn’t it great?” she said, “Bet you didn’t thonk I knew any Russian.” I admitted that I was indeed surprised—the signs actually said: “Translation not found.”








