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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《我的女儿》My Doughter

日期:2014/8/28 8:24:51 人气:2549



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: My Daughter《我的女儿》

Student name: Lixian Tian

Employer: Nypro (American)

Time of writing: May 2010

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent




My Daughter

By Lixian Tian

May, 2010


If anyone asks me who I love most in the world, I would definitely say it is my daughter. As a matter of fact, I love my daughter so much because she is lovely, so cute, so clever and sometimes a little naughty.


My daughter was born on February 7th, 2008. Now she is two years old. She looks like her father.


She is very cute. She gives seats to guests and neighbors initiatively when they come to visit my home. Sometimes if a visitor doesn’t pay attention to her, she would be muttering and clapping her small hands on the seat. After the visitor takes the seat, she will take a glass of water to the guest to drink. She also gives snacks and fruits to the guest to eat.


She is clever. She learns things quickly. When she hears music on, she cannot help singing and dancing. And this brings us a lot of joys. When she watches us doing housework, she tries to help do the same things too and does it very well.


She is naughty too. When she is eating her favorite food, she likes to finish them up, otherwise she would cry. She also pesters to play hiding-and-finding with me when I come home to see her. In fact, I like playing with her.


I love my daughter very much. She is the most important person in my life. She is a little angel in our family. Although my husband and I have to leave her in my hometown to be taken care of by my mother-in-law, I miss her all the time and go back to visit her often.


Now we are planning to meet my daughter and my mother-in-law in Changshu nearby Suzhou next month, and I sure will give her all my love when she arrives.


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