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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《车祸》A Car Accident

日期:2014/8/26 10:33:04 人气:2334



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: A Car Accident 《车祸》

Student name: Rex Chen

Position: Production Technician

Time of writing: Dec 2006

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



                               A Car Accident

                                         By Rex

                                        Dec, 2006



Do you have experience with car accident? Most people have it only in TV or movies. But I had encountered it on Sept.26 of this year.


First of all, I’d like to talk something about my car. I bought a car in March this year, which brand is Focus and belongs to the Ford family. This type of American car was a new arrival. Since I got it I was so cautious to drive it. I’m really treasuring it as my second wife. You my feel that how deeply I loved it, that it is my pride,


It was on Wednesday, Sept 26th, I took the morning shift in my company. At 5:40 I drove my Focus to work as usual. My home is nearby Loufeng Town Center. It is 20 kilometers from my home to the company. Half an hour later I would sit behind my desk, I thought.


I drove the car straight alone Jichang Road, turned left at the cross of Xinhua Street, then kelp on driving. It was too early, and the streets were void. Suddenly, I saw an elderly man crossing the road. Even today I still couldn’t think about why it had happened. Maybe it was the God’s will.


Since my car was running at 100 km/h, it was impossible for me to make a sudden stop. What could I do? I could have hit the old man then it would have put me into big trouble, and I would have had nightmare every day.


So I had no choice but to turn my car to the roadside. It was just in a second that the front shield window of my car was broken up and I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t know what had happened but smelt a special gas. When I returned to consciousness I found my car upside down and I could merely pull myself out of the broken window.


At fist I checked my body. Fortunately there was no serious injury. I could walk and jump. Then I checked my car. Oh, my god! The air bag was broken out. All window glasses were broken too. Two front lights were separated. Three trees were hit bent by my car. I thought if there were no air bag, I would have died immediately at scene.


I called 110 and my car insurance agency as well. Soon the traffic policeman arrived, and my insurance agent came too. At last the broken car was towed away to the shop for repairing. I thought I was lucky enough to be still living in the world. The air bag in front of me had saved my ass, for I didn’t use the safety belt.


This accident has cost me more than 90,000 RMB for car repairing. The amount of money is enough to buy a new car.


From this accident, I have learned three things for driving:

1.      Use the safety belt whenever I am in a car.

2.      Keep 100% cautious whenever I am driving.

3.      Keep in speed-limit even I am driving under a good traffic condition.


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