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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《安全事故》Safety Accident

日期:2014/8/24 14:08:48 人气:2170



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: Safety Accident 《安全事故》

Student name: William Kong

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Sourcing Engineer

Time of writing: Aug, 2014

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



Safety Accident

By William Kong

Aug, 2014



Last Sunday, 2nd Aug, was the Chinese Valentine's Day. However, after listening to the morning news, I was shocked by a tragedy event happened in Kunshan City. It was a dust-explosion accident in the workshop of a Taiwanese company doing the aluminum polishing. 75 workers died, over 180 workers were injured, and more than 200 families were broken up by the accident. It was the biggest human disaster during these days of the year.


According to the further survey, it is clear that this was a safety accident caused by ignoring of production safety management. I also recalled the petroleum line explosion in Qingdao last November, which had taken 62 lives.


As we know now China is the 2nd largest economy in the world. However, our safety control in many areas is getting worse. Some factories haven’t built up safety production management system. The Kunshan accident has once again given us a bloody lesson.


I have seen a slogan saying: “Safety is the largest wealth and accident is the largest waste in the world”. And some safety accidents could be avoided if we did well in safety control. These are not natural disasters, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood and so on, but the kind of disasters that we can control and avoid.


Nearly all the un-safety accidents were caused by negligence. We must pay more attention to its details.


Firstly, each production step should follow all rules and regulations strictly, this is the primary requirement. If we can keep everything under control, the safety accident happening probability can be limited to none or minimum.


What’s more, we need to raise our safety consciousness, pay more attention to potential safety hazards and risks such as when turning off lights, air conditioning, fans and equipments when leaving office or working places.


Lastly but not the least, we should conduct more safety education and training, teaching workers basic escape skills from accidents, and build up the a better working environment, help with each other in our daily life.


Finally, we should take our goodwill on safety issues into actions with every small step. This should not be just stopped in our mouths, and it is the only way to eliminate most, if not all, major safety accidents.


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