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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《关于幸福》The Happiness

日期:2014/8/24 10:03:26 人气:2403



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition 2: The Happiness 《关于幸福》

Student name: Very Wang

Employer: Valvitalia (Italian)

Position: Accounting Specialist

Time of writing: Aug, 2014

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



The Happiness

By Vera

Aug 15, 2014



What is happiness? There are no certain definitions or answers. Happiness may be a state of mind or feeling characterized by love, wellbeing, satisfaction, pleasure, and so on.


To some sense, happiness can be really simple. We may feel happy by winning a match, getting higher grade in exam, or just staying with our loved ones like children, etc. However, as far as people’s whole life is concerned, the interpretation of happiness becomes much more complicated.


We are involved in various kinds of situations in our life, and some of them may not be constructive to happiness. In fact we may choose to or not to think about the unhappy things. All of us should go through different situations or experiences, positive or negative, but the best way is to choose not let the negative situations or experiences influence our behaviors and feelings.


Nowadays our modern economy develops rapidly. As a result of our everyday changing life, some people don't feel happy when gaining more wealth which seems always no ends towards their objectives. For example, many people want to owe more money, but they still feel unhappy once they have got it. Maybe they don’t know how to enjoy what they have obtained.


However, it is truly impossible for us to stay happy in all life courses because there are always things that make us feel unhappy. For example, sickness, disasters, hardships, poverty, etc. We should think of solutions rather than give up or make problems when facing unhappy things. We should keep optimistic. Optimism can make us healthier, more capable and always feel happy towards life.


One way to stay in happiness is trying to enjoy what we already have, or like a Chinese saying: “Person satisfied with what he has already have is always feeling happy”(知足者常乐). It's easy for us to overlook the pleasure what we have got from love and being loved, the company of family and friends, freedom to live, and even good health.


All in all, happiness is the goal of our life. We can get more and more happiness easily if we are always sharing wellbeing with people, helping others, being satisfied with what we have. In my opinion, happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. Just enjoy our life, happiness is everywhere.


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