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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《电视相亲节目》Match-making TV Programs

日期:2014/8/17 17:14:58 人气:2064




外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: Match-making TV Programs《电视相亲节目》

Student name: Bruce Cheng

Employer: Canadian Solar (Canadian)

Position: Production Engineer

Time of writing: June 2010

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



Match-Making TV Programs

By Bruce Cheng

June, 2010



Several days ago I heard my colleagues talking about something when I punched out from the 7th Module Plant of our company. Some words like Yan Fengjiao attracted my attention. “Who is Yan Fengjiao?” I asked.


“You don’t know Yan Fengjiao? You will get it if you search the internet.” One of my colleagues said to me with a mysterious smile.


After searched for Yan Fengjiao from internet, I found that this was one of the lady guests on Jiangsu Satellite TV program called “Feicheng Wurao” , in English translation: “Don’t bother if no sincerity” or ”If you are the one”, and was known for her Toilet Gate Pictures.


In fact, such match-making TV shows existed in our country long time ago. Maybe because there was too much monotone, it didn’t make much influence on the audiences and disappeared from the stages shortly.


Recently, these kinds of programs came back and turned out to be very popular, such as Let’s Date on Hunan Satellite TV and Don’t Bother if No Sincerity on Jiangsu Satellite TV. They copied some of the American and Taiwan shows, having dozens of unmarried ladies as guests and stay on the stage together. They also let a single man walk up to the stage as a candidate to bid for the marriage partner of one of these ladies, who would listen to this guy’s introduction about himself and ask him various questions to judge if this guy meets her demand, from living habits to abilities, or from income to personal assets. There was one after another man showing off on the stage until he was lucky enough to hold one of these guest ladies’ hands to leave successfully.


Nowadays these types of programs show strong attractions and are welcomed by many young people. There are several reasons. Firstly, the form of this program is very novel. With a number of pretty and smart young ladies on the stage it attracts eyes very much. Secondly, it reverses some of our old traditions, such as letting a male, the social ruler, be selected by females like an animal. Lastly, the words by these lady guests were very extreme, challenging and full of controversy, such as “I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bike”. With such kind of shocking presentations, no matter agree or disagree, you couldn’t forget them easily. Therefore, these types of Match Making TV program are becoming more and more popular in China.


Presently, these types of programs have been regulated by authorities because of its too much money talking involved.


In spite of negative effects, these programs have positive sides, which give ordinary people a stage to show off themselves. If we must shut down all such kinds of programs, then what programs could we watch on TV?  

下一个:外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《关于幸福》The Happiness