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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《离婚的理由》Reasons for Divorce

日期:2014/8/12 9:14:44 人气:2057



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: Reasons for Divorce 《离婚的理由》

Student name: Jenny

Time of writing: July, 2007

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



Reasons for Divorce

By Jenny

July 2007




In recent years divorce rate has been rising up rapidly in China. I think it is a result of several factors.


Firstly, it is because of the fast development of our economy. In the last decades the living condition in our country has been greatly improved. Many families have doubled their income. Married couples now have higher expectations for their spouses. The public attitude towards divorce has become eased and not that strict. Divorce now has been more tolerant and acceptable as a common phenomenon than ever before.


The second reason is the great improvement of women’s social status. As the society progresses women are getting better educated and receiving more opportunities to pursue their career objectives. They have more contributions to the society and their families as well. Most of them no long depend on their husbands economically. Many of them even make more money than their husbands. All of these make women more confident and independent for their life, while their husbands feel inferior and can no longer dominant in marriage. These all lead to an unbalance of the traditional family relationship.


Moreover, nowadays our society becomes more sophisticated. People have more choices in every aspect in their lives. Many people even choose living without marriage. This new trend or attitude towards family is another reason for divorce. Actually, I think this is the main cause in many divorce cases.


For my point of view, the divorce rate in our country will continue to go up in the future. People need to change their mentality and perspective on marriage to adapt to the development of our society. People should come to say: “If a couple can not live together, just be apart and go each own way to start another life.” This is really simple and nothing wrong or ashamed of.


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