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外企英语培训学员英语习作选:《疯狂的一月》the Crazy Month of January

日期:2014/8/11 12:32:23 人气:2170



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition: the Crazy Month of January 《疯狂的一月》

Student name: Lisa Yang

Position: Accounting Specialist

Time of writing: Feb, 2012

Teacher’s rating: A, Excellent



                                 The Crazy Month of January

                                  By Lisa Yang

                                   Feb, 2012



Since the end of Dec.2011, to prepare for the auditing in Jun of 2012, I had been working overtime on weekends. Actually, I had only one day off on the New Year’s Day holiday.


On the 9th of January the auditing guys from KPMG came to our company, carrying out heavy luggage and other stuffs, to kick off the audit for a period of one week. 


That time, my major responsibility was to take care of the bank balance and some cash issues, and to fill out the paper forms for the account balance by the end of the year of our ten key suppliers.


For bank balance I should provide the balance paper of 2010 and 2011 to KMPG staff. Then they would write a letter of confirmation request to the bank for this information. For cash issue I should provide them with a cash calculating form bearing a company’s stamp.


I spent a lot of time filling out our ten suppliers’ payment forms, matching the suppliers with the payment request bills in our hand, attaching relevant invoices No and amounts paid, and filling in the dates of payment, checking to see if they complied with the due dates.


One week of the busy work on auditing passed quickly. After that the account period of Dec 2011 closed and the new account package for Jan 2012 opened. We had entered a new round of busy work in a new year. As Spring Festival holiday would be arriving by the early end of January, I had to speed up and work overtime again to finish up most of my job before then.


Due to the tight up of cash flow, many of our suppliers urged us to pay off the goods delivered, meanwhile many of our customers had delayed their payment to us, and our major annual tax payment was due at this time too. All of these factors had caused a difficulty for the company to pay our employees’ salary of January.


Fortunately, this problem was solved through the early payment by our HK Company. I heard that some companies especially of IT industry in SND were unable to pay their employees this year for the similar reasons. I felt like the financial crises in 2008 came back again.

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