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外企英语培训学员习作欣赏2:《My Wedding Ceremony》

日期:2013/10/31 19:24:55 人气:2488



外 企 英 语 培 训 学 员 英 语 习 作 选 编



Selected composition 2:  My Wedding Ceremony  学生文选2 《我的新婚典礼》

Student name: Cathy Wu  作者:凯西。吴

Student employment: American Co, HR Supervisor  作者单位:美资企业人力资源主管

Time of writing: Nov, 2007  写作时间:2007年11月

Teacher’s rating: A, excellent  教师评分:优秀




                              My Wedding Ceremony

                                     By Cathy Wu

                                       Nov. 2007



My hubby and I were university classmates. It was lucky for us to know each other. After a four years love journey, we finally went to the red carpet on Oct. 20, 2007. It was really a joyful and unforgettable experience.


The wedding ceremony was held at Nanyuan Guest House, a four-star hotel in Xiangcheng District and not far from my home. We set 15 tables in a large dinning-hall, inviting our family members, relatives, friends and colleagues to attend. We also called a wedding agency to beautify it.


The ceremony started at 6:18 pm. The emcee, a gentleman who was hosting the ceremony, gave a short speech at the beginning. He then directed the groom to come over to the stage, asked him” who do you want to see at this moment?” The groom answered” My bride.”


At this moment one waiter opened the door. I entered the hall with the graceful music on, and the spotlight at me. I found the dinning hall was in darkness, only the candles on each table were shining brightly. Everybody was staring at me. It was really an exciting and romantic moment.


Then I stepped on to the stage with the groom. Under the instruction of emcee we lighted the wedding candles and poured the vine in a cup. It was also a very hard job because we needed to hold our hands together to complete it.


We exchanged our finger rings. At that moment the colorful pyrotechnic were shining up with congratulations from every corner of the hall. It was the most exciting moment during our wedding. After that we joined the dinning table with our guests.


The wedding ceremony was an unforgettable and the most important event in our life. We were very happy to receive so many wonderful congratulations. We were also full of love and passion for our new life.

