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日期:2012/12/11 10:01:05 人气:3439




1.      Dialogues:

Part One

(Buyer’s agent Mr. Clive from his office is talking with Mr. Young, the Sales Manager of a garment company, to request for changes on the original order.)

C:  We have just received an emergency request from our customer in Europe. They wanted to change two colors of the fabrics as well as relevant accessories for order no.W01 due to the market demand recently.

Y:  Are you saying you want to change the color codes for order no.W01? I am afraid we can’t do it.

C:  Why not?

Y:  Because this order was placed with our factory one month ago and all the fabrics with accessories had been confirmed and manufactured by our suppliers already. I don’t think the factory will be able or willing to change it.

C:  But you have always been so co-operative since we established our partnership.

Y:  You are right. But this time there is nothing we can do to help.

C:  Considering we’ll have more business to do in the future, could you do us a favor and persuade the factory to make it an exception?

Y:  We may try to do it, but don’t expect too much from the result.

C:  We really appreciate it!


Part Two

(Mr. Young is discussing with Mr. Huang, the Director of a local garment factory, on the issue of changing order.)

Y:  I am very sorry to inform you that our customer wants to change two of the color codes for order no.W01.  .

H:  What? But the fabrics for order no.W01 have already been confirmed and put into production. It’s almost finished. There is no way we can change it.

Y:  You are quite right. However, since this is our old customer, we don’t want to embarrass them. Let’s think of a way to fix this problem…. What about to reorder new fabrics and accessories?

H:  Yes, this is the only way we can think of to make it up. But what about the reorder fee? Is your customer ready to pay for it? To tell you the truth, our factory will be very unwilling to do the extra work even get paid. It is a hard job with zero profit. Remember, this is not the first time this customer gave us such kind of trouble.

Y:  I can’t agree with you more. I am also sick with such problems. But customer is customer, they are our God. To keep a long term relationship with them we have no choice but trying to satisfy their demands. Therefore, I will appreciate it very much if you can co-operate with us one more time.

H:  Ok, we will try with it only for the sake of you. Please recheck this issue with your customer. I am afraid they won’t want to pay for the extra charge.

Y:  Sure, I’ll do it right away and get back to you ASAP.


Part Three

(Mr. Young is talking with Mr. Clive again on the reorder issue.)

Y:  We have contacted with our factory on the issue of changing order. They finally agreed to work on it, but need to reorder the fabrics and accessories from their suppliers. And of course, the extra charge will be to your account.

C:  Oh, no! We never do things like this. Though, we may consider increasing the order quantity to compensate their loss.

Y:  In my opinion, this might be a good idea. But I don’t think they will accept it either.

C:  Are you sure not? They can make more profits on a larger order.

Y:  Don’t you forget we had already given you a very low price on this order? Neither we nor the factory is going to make much money from it. So, don’t expect them to lose a dollar for making a penny. They are not foolish.

C:  Then what is your suggestion to solve this problem?

Y  Give them a larger order as part of the compensation, at the same time pay them for part of their extra costs on the changing. Actually, the extra pay is just a small amount of money for your company, and you can get it back from a hot selling at the market.

C:  It sounds reasonable and worth making a deal. Let me discuss this with my boss and get it back to you.

Y:  Good! And also, the factory will need more time to get the job done if the change of order has been placed. So we’ll have to make an extension on the shipment date.

C:  Sure thing. We’ll need to draft an amendment in details to our original sales agreement with all these changes on it once it gets approved.

Y:  Ok, I am looking forward to your positive decision.



2. New Words and Phrases:

follow up [           ] 跟单

emergency [            ] 紧急

relevant [             ] 相关的

request [            ] 请求,要求

accessories [            ] 辅料

fabrics [           ] 面料

demand [            ] 需求

confirm [           ] 确认

co-operative [           ] 合作的

partnership [       ] 伙伴关系

embarrass [           ] 令。。。尴尬

willing [         ] 愿意的

unwilling [           ] 不愿意的

persuade [           ] 劝说

inform [         ] 通知

sake [            ] 原因

contact [          ] 联系

though [            ] 虽然

compensate [        ] 补偿

foolish [           ] 愚笨

penny [             ] 美分

worth [             ] 值得的

deal [            ] 交易

reasonable [          ] 合理的

extension [            ] 延长

amendment [          ] 补充条款

approve [        ] 批准

positive [         ] 正面的,积极地

draft [        ] 起草

decision [            ] 决定


3. Sentence Patterns and Expressions

due to 由于

order was placed with 下单给。。。

there is nothing we can do to help 什么忙也帮不上

do … a favor 帮个忙

make it an exception 使之例外

don’t expect too much from the result 勿过度期望

be put into 投入

be to your account 由贵方支付

fix this problem 解决问题

there is no way we can change it. 无法改变

for the sake of 为。。。着想

in my opinion 以我之见

don’t you forget 你难道忘了。。。

hot selling 热销

worth making a deal 值得成交

get it back to you. 回复你

get the job done 完成任务

make an extension on 对。。。延期

sure thing 当然,毫无疑问

looking forward to 期盼


4. Text Translation in Chinese







Y: 你是说你想改变订单编码W01的颜色代码吗?我想我们做不到。

C: 为什么呢?

Y: 因为这批订单是一个月前放在我们工厂里的,所有的面料辅料已经由供应商确认并生产了。我想工厂是没能力也不愿改变了。

C: 但是自从我们建立了合作关系,你们一直都是很合作的。

Y: 是的。但是这次我们真的帮不了忙。

C: 考虑到将来我们会有更多的业务往来,你能帮忙说服厂商,使之成为例外么?

Y: 我们可以试一下,但不要对结果抱太大希望。

C: 真的很谢谢。
























