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商务英语会话示例第九课:Financial Inspection 财务检查

日期:2012/12/7 9:14:33 人气:3266




外 企 人 员 实 用 商 务 英 语 会 话




                               FINANCIAL INSPECTION



1.      Dialogues:


(Financial specialist Lisa Wang is having a casual talk with her foreign colleague Cherry on company’s financial issues.)

C: Hi, Lisa, what have you been busy with lately?

L: Noting but financial daily routine. This month our corporate CFO has visited Suzhou to inspect company’s financial operation over the last year. Our Financial Controller informed us that we should prepare the annual finical report and submit it to him on or before 1st of Dec. So, I had to work really hard indeed.

C: Why? I don’t think it will be your job. It is supposed to be done by your supervisor or manager.

L: You are just partially right. As a matter of fact, the report should be prepared by different staff in our department, then put together and compiled up to a complete file though a company’s software called K3 System for submission.

C: So what have you been doing?

L: As a financial specialist I was responsible for writing one part of the report, which included cash issue and account balance.

C: I heard that during his inspection, our CFO held a major meeting attended by GM, Business Director, Marketing Manager, RCT Manager and others.

L: Yes, he was giving us explicit items in next year on financial objectives.  

C: I also learned from Financial Controller that our CFO was not much satisfied with the data in your initial finical report, what was that problem?

L: That’s true. Our department called a meeting to discuss this issue. We agreed that we should try our best not to make any obvious mistakes and to assure the accuracy of the data in our report from the perspective of finical responsibility.

C: What about other problems such as sales performance or operational profits?

L: For that kind of problems we really could do nothing to help, neither could we make any frauds to change them.

C: Yes, I can see your point.


Part Two

(Lisa and Cherry meet again)

C: Hi, Lisa, you look tired. What’s going on?

L: Tell you the truth. To prepare for our head quarter’s audit in January of 2012 I have been working overtime on all weekends since the end of last December. Even during the New Year’s holiday I had only one day off.

C: What a pity! How did you process the auditing?

L: On the 9th of January the auditing guys from KPMG came to our company, carrying out heavy bags and suitcases. Then they kicked off the auditing for a period of one week. 

C: What were you doing then?

L: You know, as a cashier or cash specialist my major responsibility is to check out the bank balance and cash issue, and to fill out several forms for the balance records of our key suppliers.

C: Did the KMPG guys give you any hard time?

L: Actually they were quite friendly. For bank balance record I provided the balance sheets of 2010 and 2011 to them. Then, they wrote a letter of confirmation request to the bank for information verification. For cash issue I provided them with a cash payment form bearing a company’s stamp.

C: Is the cash payment statement a very complex work?

L: Of course. I spent a lot of time on filling out our suppliers’ payment forms. I had to match invoices and amounts paid with our payment request bills and to fill in the date of payments, because the account payment due period is crucial for auditing.

C: It seems you gave yourself hard time.


Part Three

C: Hi, Lisa, how did your audit go? Is it finished yet?

L: It went well. The KPMG people co-operated with us closely and the one-week busy work on auditing had passed quickly. After that the account period of 2011 had closed and the new account set for 2012 had opened. We have entered a new round of busy season in a new year.

C: So, you guys are finally released now.

L: Not really. Financial staff never get chance to relax. As Spring Festival is coming up I have to keep working hard to get all work done by the mid of January.

C: Company is usually tight of cash by year end. Do we have such problem?

L: You get to the point. Many of our suppliers urged us to pay for their goods shipped already, meanwhile many of our customers have delayed their payments to our company, and our major tax payments are due in January too. All of these factors caused a shortage of cash flow and as a result, we have difficulties to pay off our employees’ salaries at this time.

C: This is what people usually worry about. How could we survive this time?

L: Fortunately, this problem has been solved through the early payment by our HK Company. As I know, such kind of problems were more serious among sectors in IT industry. I heard that some companies in SND couldn’t pay their employees' salaries nor year-end bonus this time for the same reasons.

C: I felt like the financial crises of 2008 came back again. Anyway, it’s good we've survived.



2. New Words, Phrases and Expressions:

financial [           ] 财务,金融               

corporate [           ] 公司的

inspect [           ] 检视,检查

operation [         ] 运行,操作

controller [         ] 监督员

submit/submission [           ] 呈交,呈递

indeed [           ] 确实地

partially [            ] 部分地

financial specialist [           ] 财务专员

compile [           ] 编纂

account balance [           ] 账目结余

explicit [          ] 具体的

assure [           ] 保证

accuracy [            ] 准确性

obvious [           ] 明显的

perspective [          ] 观点

profit [           ] 利润

fraud [           ] 伪造

audit [           ] 审计

cashier [           ] 出纳,现金管理员

request [         ] 请求

confirmation [          ] 确认

verification [           ] 认证

bear [           ] 忍受,敲(章)

stamp [         ] 图章

crucial [              ] 关键的

release [           ] 释放,解脱

meanwhile [            ] 同时

shortage [           ] 短缺

factor [           ] 因素

due [          ] 上缴

urge [           ] 催促

sector [         ] 机构,单位

difficulty [        ] 困难

survive [           ] 存活,幸免

crisis/crises [           ] 危机



3. Sentence Patterns and Expressions

to be busy with 忙于

to submit … to 将 。。。呈交给 。。。

on or before 在。。或之前

it is supposed to 那应该 。。。

as a matter of factor 事实上

be satisfied with 对 。。。满意

to hold a meeting 召开会议

from the perspective of 以 。。。的观点

can do nothing to help 无法相助

I can see your point 我可以想见你的观点

to make frauds to 以造就来 。。。

to carry out 携带

to fill out/in 填写/填入

key supplier 主要供应商

fill in/out 填入/填写

to give … hard time 给 。。。麻烦

to match … with … 把 。。。与 。。。相比对

to be crucial for 对 。。。至关重要

to provide … with … 向 。。。提供 。。。

how did … go? 。。。进展如何?

a new round of 新的一轮

to get to the point 谈到点子上

be due on 在 。。。上缴

for the same reason 因同样的理由

I feel like 我感到好像

we are survived 我们得救了



4. Text Translation in Chinese


财 务 检 查








































